Archive news from Economist-Special-Reports

Date Headline Description #
22-May-2021 Millions of African-Americans remain stuck They are poorer, less likely to own homes and more likely to be imprisoned than whites Request summary
22-May-2021 America is becoming less racist but more divided by racism How it confronts ethnic divisions matters to multiracial democracies everywhere Request summary
3-Jun-2021 Time to go Brazil’s future depends on the outcome of the 2022 election Request summary
3-Jun-2021 Of Bibles and ballots Evangelical churches are political players in Brazil Request summary
3-Jun-2021 In need of reform Brasília is full of new politicians and old ideas Request summary
3-Jun-2021 Money trees The Amazon and its residents need sustainable development Request summary
3-Jun-2021 Sliding back Revelations of graft have fuelled anti-establishmentism Request summary
3-Jun-2021 A dream deferred After a generation of progress, social mobility is slowing in Brazil Request summary
3-Jun-2021 The captain and his country Brazil is backsliding. Politicians, businesses and voters must act before it is too late, says Sarah Maslin Request summary
23-Jun-2021 A future, but with Chinese characteristics Communist Party leaders do have dreams other than just remaining in power. But achieving communism is no longer really one of them Request summary
23-Jun-2021 As Chinese citizens head overseas, the party does likewise With China’s global footprint expanding everywhere, so is the Communist Party’s—not always openly Request summary
23-Jun-2021 Getting into the vanguard of the Chinese elite To well-educated Chinese, Communist Party membership is worth fighting for, even if it is not easy to attain Request summary
23-Jun-2021 The party is eager to expand its influence within business In private workplaces, the Communist Party—once almost non-existent—is taking root once again Request summary
23-Jun-2021 Busybodies, backed by AI, are restoring the party’s visibility How Communist Party members help to keep a close eye on Chinese citizens—and on each other Request summary
23-Jun-2021 Trying to heal the party’s wounds The party Xi Jinping inherited had been torn apart by infighting. He now wants to ensure that no one in the party defies him Request summary
23-Jun-2021 The push to revamp the Chinese Communist Party for the next 100 years The world’s most powerful political party was founded a century ago. James Miles says it is projecting ever greater confidence, while fortifying itself against collapse Request summary
24-Aug-2021 Most Arab countries now focus on domestic concerns, not unity But the presence of foreign powers is still dearly felt Request summary
24-Aug-2021 Egypt is again under military rule, but Sisi lacks Nasser’s appeal The military dictatorship is back, stronger than ever but also less ideological Request summary
24-Aug-2021 The Arab League has done little for its members in nearly 70 years It was among the first post-war multilateral bodies, and one of the least useful Request summary
24-Aug-2021 The Palestinian cause no longer binds the Arab world Their struggle against Israel still looms large, but for Arab governments it has outlived its purpose Request summary
24-Aug-2021 Across the Arab world, Islamists’ brief stints in power have failed They have proved out of touch with those they claimed to support Request summary
24-Aug-2021 Iran scores a pyrrhic victory in its cold war with Saudi Arabia Its allies are impoverished Request summary
24-Aug-2021 Why the Arab world has an identity crisis The region is mired in conflict and collapse Request summary
20-Sep-2021 Germany needs a reforming government Unfortunately, it may not get one Request summary
20-Sep-2021 The world needs a more active Germany A passive (and pacifist) country considers a more active role Request summary
20-Sep-2021 The attitudes of Germany’s young New German voters have no memory of life before Mrs Merkel Request summary
20-Sep-2021 The European Union will badly miss Angela Merkel There is no obvious replacement for the chancellor Request summary
20-Sep-2021 Parts of Germany are desperate for more people Coping with ageing and shrinking populations is hardest in the east Request summary
20-Sep-2021 A troubled road lies ahead for German carmakers The all-powerful automotive sector faces a challenging future Request summary
20-Sep-2021 Germany’s urgent need for greater public investment Necessary new infrastructure is not being built Request summary
20-Sep-2021 After Merkel Angela Merkel’s departure will leave a big hole in Germany—and much for her successor to do, says Tom Nuttall Request summary
6-Oct-2021 A changed world International commerce needs firmer underpinnings Request summary
6-Oct-2021 Making trade greener When environmental protection turns into trade protection Request summary
6-Oct-2021 The urge to protect How trade restrictions are being used as a tool to protect human rights Request summary
6-Oct-2021 In search of resilience The quest for resilience involves reaching for facts, friends and fortification Request summary
6-Oct-2021 A fraying system In global trade, power increasingly trumps rules Request summary
6-Oct-2021 The new order of trade Trade has been about growth and efficiency. Now other goals are competing for attention, says Soumaya Keynes Request summary
27-Oct-2021 Governing the atmosphere Technologies which might stabilise the climate could do the reverse to international relations Request summary
27-Oct-2021 Why the world needs negative emissions If negative emissions are to play a role in policy much more needs to be done to make them practically achievable Request summary
27-Oct-2021 The economics of the climate Energy choices shape economies—and could reshape them Request summary
27-Oct-2021 How Asia is crucial in the battle against climate change Whether the climate can ever be stabilised depends largely on Asia Request summary
27-Oct-2021 What the Paris agreement of 2015 meant Replacing fossil fuels is becoming easier. But temperatures are still likely to rise too far Request summary
27-Oct-2021 The agenda for the COP 26 summit There has never been a collective human endeavour more ambitious than stabilising the climate. In this special report our journalists assess what it will take to meet the historic goals agreed on in Paris six years ago Request summary
7-Dec-2021 The future could be brighter It could be a lot better with younger and more dynamic political leaders Request summary
7-Dec-2021 Letting more migrants in by stealth From a low base, immigration is growing quite fast Request summary
7-Dec-2021 Japan’s economy is stronger than many realise Not bad, but could be better Request summary
7-Dec-2021 An ageing country shows others how to manage Japan has aged faster than anywhere else, but it is learning how to cope Request summary
7-Dec-2021 The big city that is also pleasant to live in Surprisingly, the world’s biggest city is also one of its most liveable Request summary
7-Dec-2021 Japan has a chequered record on climate change Prepared for disaster, unprepared for climate change Request summary
7-Dec-2021 Why Japan needs more forceful defence The strong case for more active and interventionist security and defence policies Request summary
7-Dec-2021 A country that is on the front line Japan offers the world examples to follow as well as ones not to. It is as relevant as ever, argues Noah Sneider Request summary
10-Jan-2022 However justified, more government intervention risks being counterproductive It is time to reassert the case for less state intrusion Request summary
10-Jan-2022 The long trend of falling corporate taxes is being reversed After falling for decades, taxes on companies are rising again Request summary
10-Jan-2022 Enthusiasm for regulation, often in areas like the climate, shows no sign of flagging Red tape continues to spread inexorably Request summary
10-Jan-2022 The growing demand for more vigorous antitrust action Greater concentration of market power is leading to a trustbusting revival Request summary
10-Jan-2022 Many countries are seeing a revival of industrial policy A previously discredited approach has found new believers Request summary
10-Jan-2022 Governments’ widespread new fondness for interventionism After a long liberalising era, the state has bounced back. That is not a good thing, argues Jan Piotrowski Request summary
23-Feb-2022 Private markets are less rewarding than they used to be The future may well be bright. It will certainly be less high-octane Request summary
23-Feb-2022 Regulators have private markets in their sights Criticism of private equity is overdone. That won’t stop regulators giving it a harder time Request summary
23-Feb-2022 More borrowers turn to private markets for credit Asset managers rush in where banks fear to tread, transforming a formerly niche market Request summary
23-Feb-2022 Investors rely more and more on higher returns from private markets The institutional investors whose capital fuels private markets are growing more sophisticated. But picking winners gets no easier Request summary
23-Feb-2022 Alternative fund managers are increasingly mainstream But many “artisanal” PE firms are touting themselves as specialists Request summary
23-Feb-2022 Private markets have grown exponentially The past decade has been a golden one for private financial markets. As they become bigger they are being dramatically reshaped, says Matthew Valencia Request summary
30-Mar-2022 What Florida can teach America Which side of paradise? Request summary
30-Mar-2022 Florida faces a triple threat to its environment The environment is Florida’s biggest attraction, but also its biggest vulnerability Request summary
30-Mar-2022 Two elections will attract national interest Two races to watch in 2022 Request summary
30-Mar-2022 The colour purple Is Florida still a swing state—or a Republican one? Request summary
30-Mar-2022 A peninsula that makes waves in policy formation Florida has a history as a policy laboratory Request summary
30-Mar-2022 The bid to make Florida’s most famous city a tech hub An ambitious mayor is trying to transform Miami’s appeal Request summary
30-Mar-2022 The economy sees repeated boom and bust cycles Rapid growth is heating up the Sunshine State Request summary
30-Mar-2022 Like America, the Sunshine State also rises Florida is booming and becoming more important, with big consequences for America, says Alexandra Suich Bass Request summary
20-Apr-2022 The curse of being too competent The temptation to heap jobs on central banks must be resisted Request summary
20-Apr-2022 When central banks face sanctions Central banks must grapple with geopolitics, too Request summary
20-Apr-2022 How central banks are moving into e-money Designing a digital currency that works—but not too well Request summary
20-Apr-2022 The wish to respond to climate change How green can central banking get? Request summary
20-Apr-2022 When central banks become one-stop policy shops Central banks are under pressure to cure social ills Request summary
20-Apr-2022 The perils of expanded balance-sheets The power—and the limits—of central banks’ balance-sheets Request summary
20-Apr-2022 The danger of excessive distraction Central banks are under attack for failing to stop inflation. That partly reflects being given too many other jobs to do, argues Rachana Shanbhogue Request summary
20-May-2022 Countering China in Africa The West must try harder to offer African countries alternatives to China Request summary
20-May-2022 Ace of bases China is on a path to becoming a global military power; that path goes through Africa Request summary
20-May-2022 China, meet Fourth Estate China is working hard to shape public opinion in Africa, but its more lasting impact could be on the infrastructure of media itself Request summary
20-May-2022 The price of friendship China has much to offer African governments, but it also wants much in return Request summary
20-May-2022 How Chinese firms have changed Africa Chinese companies have made their mark on the African continent, in ways good and bad Request summary
20-May-2022 Chinese loans and investment in infrastructure have been huge An era of big loans and big projects is coming to an end. How did it change Africa? Request summary
20-May-2022 The Chinese-African relationship is important to both sides, but also unbalanced If the West wants to counter China’s role in Africa it first must understand it Request summary
28-May-2022 China in Africa To counter China’s growing role in Africa the West must first understand it, say Gady Epstein and John McDermott Request summary
16-Jun-2022 The urgent need to reform political systems Politics needs to be rebuilt from the ground up Request summary
16-Jun-2022 The rival influences of the United States and China A region divided against itself Request summary
16-Jun-2022 The high cost of schools closed by covid Making up for Latin America’s lengthy school closures Request summary
16-Jun-2022 The deficiencies of the Latin American state loom large Enter the political demolition squads Request summary
16-Jun-2022 A region that seems unable to reach its potential How can Latin America become more productive? Request summary
16-Jun-2022 Latin American society is modernising, mostly for the better Universal policies are more important than group rights Request summary
16-Jun-2022 A region caught between stagnation and angry street protests Latin America is stuck in a development trap, argues Michael Reid Request summary
18-Jun-2022 Latin America Latin America is stuck between stagnation and street protest, argues Michael Reid Request summary
21-Jul-2022 Measure less, but better It’s the environment, stupid Request summary
21-Jul-2022 Missionary creep New disclosure rules aim to better measure climate risks. Is that even possible? Request summary
21-Jul-2022 The signal and the noise Measurement of ESG data needs a big overhaul Request summary
21-Jul-2022 Internalising the externalities Can firms be made accountable for their carbon emissions? Request summary
21-Jul-2022 The warm glow It’s a myth that ESG investments inevitably outperform. You can’t have it all Request summary
21-Jul-2022 How to charge more Fees for managing ESG funds tend to be higher than for non-ESG ones Request summary
21-Jul-2022 The saviour complex It’s time to get real about what ESG can—and cannot—achieve Request summary
21-Jul-2022 A broken system needs urgent repairs The environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach to investment is broken. It needs to be streamlined and stripped of sanctimoniousness, argues Henry Tricks Request summary
23-Jul-2022 ESG investing The environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach to investment is broken. It needs to be streamlined and stripped of sanctimoniousness, argues Henry Tricks Request summary
12-Sep-2022 Stopping the spiral of murder and violent crime America has relied too long on a toxic combination of over- and under-policing Request summary
12-Sep-2022 How softer non-policing strategies might help The hopes of, and limits to, non-policing anti-violence strategies Request summary
12-Sep-2022 The public wants to refund, not defund, the police Progressive prosecutors are losing ground across America Request summary
12-Sep-2022 How Baltimore became a sad harbinger of the future How an east-coast city gave warning of what would come Request summary
12-Sep-2022 America is unusually bad at clearing up homicides Why are inner-city murders so hard to solve? Request summary
12-Sep-2022 American exceptionalism exists, but other countries also have problems The rise in violent crime in America is almost unique, but not wholly Request summary
12-Sep-2022 An anatomy of hard times in the city What underlies inner-city murders in America Request summary
12-Sep-2022 How to stop the killing After a long decline, violent crime in America is rising again. In this special report Daniel Knowles looks at what can be done Request summary
17-Sep-2022 Violent crime in America After a long decline, violent crime in America is rising again. Daniel Knowles looks at what can be done Request summary
5-Oct-2022 Policymakers are likely to jettison their 2% inflation targets Some by choice, some by accident Request summary
5-Oct-2022 The inflation problem will get better before it gets worse When current disruptions recede, the underlying rate of inflation will remain higher than before the pandemic Request summary
5-Oct-2022 Adding up the fiscal drag from ageing, energy and defence The bill for the future looms ever larger Request summary
5-Oct-2022 The energy transition will be expensive But not catastrophically so Request summary
5-Oct-2022 Is the world economy in a debt trap? And, if so, how can countries escape it? Request summary
5-Oct-2022 Elderly populations mean more government spending They also mean low interest rates Request summary
5-Oct-2022 Inflation and rising demands on governments are changing economic policy It amounts to an upending of the previous regime, says Henry Curr Request summary
8-Oct-2022 Regime change Surging inflation and rising demands on governments have brought a pivotal moment for economic policy, says Henry Curr Request summary
10-Oct-2022 For Western democracies, the price of avoiding a clash with China is rising It is clear that hard choices loom Request summary
10-Oct-2022 China has chilling plans for governing Taiwan There may be few painless options left Request summary
10-Oct-2022 Why America and Europe fret about China turning inwards China increasingly fears being overly dependent on the world Request summary
10-Oct-2022 China is exerting greater power across Asia—and beyond It has become a master of political and economic leverage Request summary
10-Oct-2022 To show that it can follow global rules, China built its own multilateral institution But what is the point of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank? Request summary
10-Oct-2022 China seeks a world order that defers to states and their rulers Xi Jinping wants less global interventionism Request summary
10-Oct-2022 China wants to change, or break, a world order set by others It may yet succeed, says David Rennie Request summary
15-Oct-2022 The world divided China wants to change, or break, a world order set by others. It may yet succeed, says David Rennie Request summary
1-Nov-2022 The rich world is wrong to think that climate impacts in poor countries don’t matter There is a compelling moral case for rich countries to do more to help poor ones adapt Request summary
1-Nov-2022 Public money must pave the way for private investment in climate-change adaptation Otherwise the world will be poorly served Request summary
1-Nov-2022 The business of businesses is climate-change adaptation Big ones are waking up to the fact Request summary
1-Nov-2022 A lot can be done to adapt farming to near-term climate change But more is still needed Request summary
1-Nov-2022 Small climate projects cannot take the place of all large ones But they can achieve a lot if coordinated Request summary
1-Nov-2022 Money and moderately good governance make climate-change adaptation easier Unfortunately they are not in abundant supply Request summary
1-Nov-2022 The world has to adapt to the climate change it will not avoid And poor countries will need help to do so Request summary
5-Nov-2022 The challenge of the age Adapting to climate change is urgent, feasible and woefully underfunded, argues Edward McBride Request summary
5-Dec-2022 Italy needs to learn from other countries on structural changes It cannot afford to retreat from them as it has before Request summary
5-Dec-2022 Italy is trying to deal with its demographic decline Some deserted southern towns are taking innovative approaches Request summary
5-Dec-2022 Political instability in Italy has always affected reform Can Giorgia Meloni stay in power long enough to buck the trend? Request summary
5-Dec-2022 Southern Italy needs private enterprise and infrastructure It does not just need more public money Request summary
5-Dec-2022 Italy’s protected sectors need exposure to more competition Their approach to management and the labour market need a shake-up, too Request summary
5-Dec-2022 Why is Italy’s public-debt burden so big? It is the denominator, not the numerator, that is the real problem Request summary
5-Dec-2022 External shocks have hit the Italian economy hard They have also exacerbated internal weaknesses Request summary
5-Dec-2022 Italy’s new government needs to make deep economic reforms But Giorgia Meloni may not have the desire or the experience to make them, says John Peet Request summary
10-Dec-2022 Renovation required Giorgia Meloni’s new government must make deep reforms if Italy is to regain its lost vitality, argues John Peet Request summary
16-Jan-2023 Turkey is still just a democracy, but it is not certain to remain that way The election will test the country’s democratic credentials Request summary
16-Jan-2023 The Turkish opposition faces big obstacles to winning the election They remain rudderless Request summary
16-Jan-2023 Turkey has a newly confrontational foreign policy The country has turned into an awkward ally for the West Request summary
16-Jan-2023 Turkey has given up promoting political Islam abroad Recep Tayyip Erdogan is mending fences with his Arab neighbours Request summary
16-Jan-2023 The effects on Turkey of Syria’s civil war The war has redrawn Turkey’s political map Request summary
16-Jan-2023 Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s relatives are becoming increasingly powerful A government over-reliant on kith and kin Request summary
16-Jan-2023 The Turkish economy is in pressing need of reform and repair A bizarre monetary policy has left an economy in need of urgent repair Request summary
16-Jan-2023 Turkey faces a crucial election this summer Approaching its centenary, the country prepares for an election that could decide its future as a democracy, argues Piotr Zalewski Request summary
21-Jan-2023 Erdogan’s empire Approaching its centenary, Turkey faces an election that could decide its future as a democracy, argues Piotr Zalewski Request summary
6-Mar-2023 Taiwan desperately needs support from the world A vibrant small democracy needs protection from a big autocracy Request summary
6-Mar-2023 Taiwanese politics faces a crucial election in early 2024 The presidential election will do much to decide Taiwan’s future Request summary
6-Mar-2023 Taiwan needs a new defence strategy to deal with China Taiwan needs to prioritise becoming a porcupine, but ambiguity clouds its strategic decisions Request summary
6-Mar-2023 The battle with China is psychological as much as physical The importance of psychology in resisting China Request summary
6-Mar-2023 Taiwan’s dominance of the chip industry makes it more important No industry matters more to Taiwan than chipmaking Request summary
6-Mar-2023 It is time to divert Taiwan’s trade and investment from China Taiwan’s economy is strong, but it needs to reduce its dependence on China Request summary
6-Mar-2023 How Taiwan is shaped by its history and identity Understanding Taiwan requires study of its history Request summary
6-Mar-2023 Taiwan is a vital island that is under serious threat Taiwan’s fate will, ultimately, be decided by the battle-readiness of its people, says Alice Su Request summary
11-Mar-2023 Frontline Formosa Taiwan’s fate will, ultimately, be decided by the battle-readiness of its people, says Alice Su Request summary
20-Mar-2023 How digital gaming spreads far and wide Video games are becoming platforms for more than play Request summary
20-Mar-2023 The rise of user-created video games Do-it-yourself games are taking off just as DIY video did Request summary
20-Mar-2023 Video games, power and diplomacy Gaming is a growing source of soft power, influence—and perhaps espionage Request summary
20-Mar-2023 Complexities of moderating and classifying video games Classification borrowed from the film industry is adapting to resemble that of social media Request summary
20-Mar-2023 The rise and rise of e-sports Broadcasting gameplay has become a big business Request summary
20-Mar-2023 Moviemaking and gamemaking are converging But game developers have a better business model than Hollywood Request summary
20-Mar-2023 Battles over streaming break out for video games Streaming subscriptions have revolutionised music and television. What will they do to games? Request summary
20-Mar-2023 Ready, player four billion: the rise of video games As video games move from teenage distraction to universal pastime they are following the path of other mass media, says Tom Wainwright Request summary
25-Mar-2023 Insert coin As video games move from teenage distraction to universal pastime they are following the same path as other mass media, says Tom Wainwright Request summary
3-Apr-2023 Ingenious medicine Knowing more about genes should revolutionise the treatment of disease Request summary
14-Oct-2024 Why the American stockmarket reigns supreme Lower returns are coming, but they should continue to be world-beating Request summary
14-Oct-2024 The shale revolution helped make America’s economy great But will the country’s oil riches discourage a similar revolution in renewables? Request summary
14-Oct-2024 China’s yuan is nowhere close to displacing the greenback The only way the dollar will lose its supreme role is at America’s own hand Request summary
14-Oct-2024 American productivity still leads the world Innovation and a vibrant tech sector continue to give America a competitive edge Request summary
14-Oct-2024 What can stop the American economy now? Toxic politics could derail America’s economic boom. The world should hope it does not Request summary
14-Oct-2024 Is higher inequality the price America pays for faster growth? A look at the potential downsides of outperformance Request summary
14-Oct-2024 The American economy has left other rich countries in the dust Expect that to continue Request summary
3-Apr-2023 How genes work A quick guide to life’s operating system Request summary
3-Apr-2023 Life story The human genome has been sequenced. The question now, says Geoffrey Carr, is what next? Request summary
3-Apr-2023 Only connect Genomics is revealing the unity and the diversity of life. Both are essential to the exploitation of the new knowledge Request summary
3-Apr-2023 Who owns your genes? Not all the questions raised by genomics are scientific ones Request summary
3-Apr-2023 The proper study of mankind Practical applications are all well and good. But genomics can shed light on the nature of humanity, too Request summary
14-Apr-2023 A changing car industry should result in more choice and better motoring The future may be hard for some, but for others it could be as bright as a shiny new car Request summary
14-Apr-2023 Car firms are trying out new ways to sell mobility The days when cars were sold at arm’s length through dealerships is ending Request summary
14-Apr-2023 How geopolitical tensions could disrupt the global car industry The unhelpful fallout from Sino-American squabbles Request summary
14-Apr-2023 Autonomous vehicles are coming, but slowly The next challenge for legacy firms is to adapt to autonomy Request summary
14-Apr-2023 China is leading the challenge to incumbent carmakers The legacy industry’s greatest assets are not worth as much as in the past Request summary
14-Apr-2023 It is getting easier for new entrants to make cars Electrification is lowering the industry’s daunting barriers to entry Request summary
14-Apr-2023 The future lies with electric vehicles The car industry is electrifying rapidly and irrevocably Request summary
14-Apr-2023 Everything about carmaking is changing at once The industry must reinvent itself to keep pace, says Simon Wright Request summary
14-Apr-2023 Software is now as important as hardware in cars It is easier for a tech firm to make cars than a carmaker to become a tech company Request summary
14-Apr-2023 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
22-Apr-2023 A difficult new world Everything about carmaking is changing at once. The industry must reinvent itself to keep pace, says Simon Wright Request summary
15-May-2023 There are risks but also big potential benefits from digital payments Digital finance has enormous promise but introduces novel risks Request summary
15-May-2023 Could digital-payments systems help unseat the dollar? Might digital finance reduce the world’s dependence on the dollar? Request summary
15-May-2023 Central-bank digital currencies are talked about more than coming to fruition The roll-out of central-bank digital currencies is proving slower than expected Request summary
15-May-2023 The promise of crypto has not lived up to its initial excitement A crypto-finance revolution looks further off than ever Request summary
15-May-2023 As payments systems go digital, they are changing global finance The fight over payments systems is hotting up around the world. There may be surprising winners, says Arjun Ramani Request summary
15-May-2023 The old bank/card model is still entrenched in the rich world Banks and card networks have proved remarkably resilient in the face of digital competition Request summary
15-May-2023 A digital payments revolution in India How emerging economies from India to Brazil built alternative payments models Request summary
16-May-2023 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
16-May-2023 Video: insights from the author Inside our correspondent’s investigation Request summary
20-May-2023 Cashless talk The fight over payments systems is hotting up around the world. There may be surprising winners, says Arjun Ramani Request summary
3-Jul-2023 Western armies are learning a lot from the war in Ukraine Ukraine is teaching armies to think, train and plan differently Request summary
3-Jul-2023 How oceans became new technological battlefields Ukraine has repelled the Black Sea Fleet. But naval drones may not be enough to defeat it Request summary
3-Jul-2023 How Ukraine’s enemy is also learning lessons, albeit slowly Russia is also absorbing lessons from the war Request summary
3-Jul-2023 Technology is deepening civilian involvement in war Another chapter in our special report on the future of warfare considers the big legal questions raised by the fusion of civilian and military activity Request summary
3-Jul-2023 Why logistics are too important to be left to the generals Russia’s invasion shows how war can hinge on logistics Request summary
3-Jul-2023 The latest in the battle of jamming with electronic beams Jamming is knocking drones and missiles out of the sky Request summary
3-Jul-2023 The war in Ukraine shows how technology is changing the battlefield But mass still counts, argues Shashank Joshi in the first of seven chapters of a special report on the future of warfare Request summary
3-Jul-2023 Video: How we studied the lessons of Ukraine Inside our correspondent’s investigation into the future of war Request summary
4-Jul-2023 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
8-Jul-2023 Battlefield lessons The war shows how technology is changing the battlefield. But mass still counts, argues Shashank Joshi Request summary
2-Oct-2023 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
2-Oct-2023 New industrial policies will not help economic stability Globalisation has not been perfect but it has been effective Request summary
2-Oct-2023 Green protectionism comes with big risks Some analysts worry that new laws could slow the green transition Request summary
2-Oct-2023 New industrial policies will make the world more unequal Workers in the developing world will especially lose out Request summary
2-Oct-2023 “Homeland economics” will make the world poorer Industrial policy and protectionism could endanger trade, without making Western economies safer Request summary
2-Oct-2023 Attempts to make supply chains “resilient” are likely to fail And they are likely to be costly Request summary
2-Oct-2023 Governments across the world are discovering “homeland economics” But introducing industrial policy is a big mistake, argues Callum Williams Request summary
2-Oct-2023 Video: Busting globalisation myths How our correspondent followed his hunch about protectionism Request summary
7-Oct-2023 Homeland Economics Governments across the world are rediscovering industrial policy. They are making a big mistake, argues Callum Williams Request summary
6-Nov-2023 Invading Taiwan would be a logistical minefield for China Russia’s problems in Ukraine make it look even more daunting Request summary
6-Nov-2023 Xi Jinping is obsessed with political loyalty in the PLA Ideology is undermining China’s drive to prepare forces for combat Request summary
6-Nov-2023 Xi Jinping worries that China’s troops are not ready to fight Now the war in Ukraine has revealed new challenges for the PLA Request summary
6-Nov-2023 From hypersonic missiles to undersea drones, the PLA is making leaps But China’s military tech still lags behind the West’s Request summary
6-Nov-2023 China is struggling to recruit enough highly skilled troops The PLA needs them to operate all its new weapons Request summary
6-Nov-2023 The People’s Liberation Army is not yet as formidable as the West fears Overestimating China’s armed forces would be dangerous, argues Jeremy Page Request summary
8-Nov-2023 Acknowledgments Request summary
11-Nov-2023 Unknown soldiers Overestimating China’s armed forces would be dangerous, argues Jeremy Page Request summary
20-Nov-2023 A net-zero world needs new markets and institutions It is just possible they will be built in time Request summary
20-Nov-2023 Carbon-dioxide-removal options are multiplying Many are intriguing; none is cheap, scalable and easily verified Request summary
20-Nov-2023 Trees alone will not save the world But better markets and better monitoring will let them do more Request summary
20-Nov-2023 The many prices of carbon dioxide Not all tonnes are created equal Request summary
20-Nov-2023 The temptations of deferred removals Carbon dioxide removals must start at scale sooner than people think Request summary
20-Nov-2023 Carbon-dioxide removal needs more attention It is vital to climate stabilisation, remarkably challenging and systematically ignored Request summary
25-Nov-2023 The new economy net zero needs It is vital to climate stabilisation, remarkably challenging and systematically ignored Request summary
28-Nov-2023 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
10-Jan-2024 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
10-Jan-2024 The future of philanthropy will involve a mix of different approaches The main issue is persuading the rich to give at all Request summary
10-Jan-2024 The “effective altruism” movement is louder than it is large And there are big questions about whether it will continue Request summary
10-Jan-2024 Philanthropy in Asia is becoming more professional But that is not making it more like giving in the West Request summary
10-Jan-2024 A growing industry is emerging to make philanthropy simpler Donors want a quicker, easier way to give Request summary
10-Jan-2024 GiveDirectly does what it says on the tin Cash hand-outs can transform communities Request summary
10-Jan-2024 No-strings philanthropy is giving charities more decision-making power Organisations on the ground know best how money should be spent Request summary
10-Jan-2024 The super-rich are trying new approaches to philanthropy They are hoping to get money to the needy faster, says Avantika Chilkoti Request summary
13-Jan-2024 Move fast and mend things The super-rich are hoping to get money to the needy faster, says Avantika Chilkoti Request summary
11-Mar-2024 For 50 years the story of oil has been one of matching supply with increasing demand The next 50 years will be different, argues Vijay Vaitheeswaran in a special report Request summary
11-Mar-2024 Why oil supply shocks are not like the 1970s any more America has a lot of oil now, and the global energy market is more robust Request summary
11-Mar-2024 The end of oil, then and now It is possible to cut oil demand. That does not mean it is easy, or will be done well Request summary
11-Mar-2024 Oil’s endgame will be in the Gulf And the Gulf states know it Request summary
11-Mar-2024 Can Big Oil run in reverse? Some of the industry sees putting carbon dioxide back in the ground as key to its future Request summary
11-Mar-2024 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
16-Mar-2024 The long goodbye The next 50 years will be different, argues Vijay Vaitheeswaran in a special report Request summary
22-Apr-2024 India must make much deeper changes if it is to sustain its growth Improved human capital and a better relationship between the centre and the states will be crucial Request summary
22-Apr-2024 Going green could bring huge benefits for India’s economy But it is also bringing plenty of tensions Request summary
22-Apr-2024 India’s leaders must deal with three economic weaknesses For growth to become more sustainable, it needs to be broader based Request summary
22-Apr-2024 India’s difficult business environment is improving The changes are allowing Indian firms to become more dynamic Request summary
22-Apr-2024 India’s financial system has improved dramatically in the past decade There is much more change to come Request summary
22-Apr-2024 For its next phase of growth, India needs a new reform agenda With the right changes, it can become an engine of global growth, say Arjun Ramani and Thomas Easton Request summary
25-Apr-2024 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
27-Apr-2024 The India express With the right changes, it can become an engine of global growth, say Arjun Ramani and Thomas Easton Request summary
3-May-2024 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
3-May-2024 How the financial system would respond to a superpower war A conflict could deal a death blow to the global financial order Request summary
3-May-2024 The fight to dethrone the dollar Attempts to challenge the dollar have only strengthened its dominance Request summary
3-May-2024 National payment systems are proliferating That spurs competition, innovation—and cross-border frictions Request summary
3-May-2024 The movement of capital globally is in decline Geopolitics is altering its trajectory Request summary
3-May-2024 How crises reshaped the world financial system A brief history of fragmentation Request summary
3-May-2024 The global financial system is in danger of fragmenting The American-led financial order is giving way to a more divided one Request summary
11-May-2024 Worlds apart The American-led financial order is giving way to a more divided one Request summary
7-Jul-2024 England’s school reforms are earning fans abroad Countries that have made more fashionable changes have seen their scores fall hard Request summary
7-Jul-2024 Efforts to teach character bring promise and perils ‘Social and emotional learning’ bundles good sense with some quackery Request summary
7-Jul-2024 Will artificial intelligence transform school? The boldest visions for AI in classrooms misunderstand much about education Request summary
7-Jul-2024 The rich world’s teachers are increasingly morose Hanging on to the best of them is getting harder Request summary
7-Jul-2024 Schools in rich countries are making poor progress They need to get back to basics, argues Mark Johnson Request summary
11-Jul-2024 Sources and acknowledgments Request summary
13-Jul-2024 Must try harder Schools in rich countries are making poor progress. They need to get back to basics, argues Mark Johnson Request summary