Archive news from Economist-Finance

Date Headline Description #
7-Dec-2023 How to sell free trade to green types This year’s COP offers an opportunity to make the case Request summary
7-Dec-2023 Why it might be time to buy banks Just not in America Request summary
7-Dec-2023 Will China leave behind its economic woes in 2024? Xi Jinping must decide whether to set an ambitious growth target Request summary
10-Dec-2023 Vladimir Putin is running Russia’s economy dangerously hot Extravagant war spending is fuelling inflation Request summary
12-Dec-2023 Europe’s economy is in a bad way. Policymakers need to react Wage growth now appears to be fizzling out Request summary
14-Dec-2023 How to put boosters under India’s economy With the right policies, growth could be astonishing Request summary
14-Dec-2023 Why stockpickers should get out more The importance of having an opinion about Baku’s kebabs Request summary
14-Dec-2023 How to sneak billions of dollars out of China A new era of capital flight has begun Request summary
14-Dec-2023 Is China understating its own export success? The $230bn puzzle at the heart of the country’s trade figures Request summary
14-Dec-2023 The mystery of Britain’s dirt-cheap stockmarket It might be old and unfashionable, but investors are ignoring surprisingly juicy yields Request summary
17-Dec-2023 Which economy did best in 2023? Another unlikely triumph Request summary
18-Dec-2023 Why bitcoin is up by almost 150% this year Introducing the cockroach theory of crypto Request summary
20-Dec-2023 Where does the modern state come from? Economists attempt to answer a profound political question Request summary
20-Dec-2023 Can the carbon-offset market be saved? Market prices have crashed Request summary
20-Dec-2023 Hong Kong’s problems trace back to China. And also America The “superconnector” suffers the worst of both worlds Request summary
27-Dec-2023 The five biggest market surprises of 2023 Shareholders have had a remarkably good year. Forecasters have had a terrible one Request summary
29-Dec-2023 Will America manage a soft landing in 2024? Policymakers rarely bring down inflation without a recession. This time they might Request summary
2-Jan-2024 How to get rich in the 21st century The race to become the next economic superpower Request summary
3-Jan-2024 Has America really escaped inflation? The country’s extraordinary economic vigour keeps the threat alive Request summary
4-Jan-2024 Robert Solow was an intellectual giant His criticisms were energetic and witty, which could make them harder to take Request summary
4-Jan-2024 American stocks loiter near an all-time high Their performance this year will depend on the real economy Request summary
4-Jan-2024 Three surprises that could inflame commodity markets in 2024 What it would take for another bout of mayhem Request summary
7-Jan-2024 What happened to the artificial-intelligence investment boom? Perhaps AI is a busted flush. Perhaps the revolution will just take time Request summary
9-Jan-2024 Xi Jinping risks setting off another trade war Why Western politicians should prepare for a second “China shock” Request summary
10-Jan-2024 Has Team Transitory really won America’s inflation debate? As prices cool, the battle heats up Request summary
11-Jan-2024 A guide to the Chinese Communist Party’s economic jargon It is incomprehensible, and increasingly important Request summary
11-Jan-2024 Will spiking shipping costs cause inflation to surge? Disruption in the Suez and Panama canals is prompting concern Request summary
11-Jan-2024 Bill Ackman provides a lesson in activist investing His battle with Harvard University features familiar weapons Request summary
15-Jan-2024 How strong is India’s economy under Narendra Modi? It has neither boomed nor slumped. But growth may be taking off Request summary
16-Jan-2024 Ted Pick takes charge of Morgan Stanley Can he keep the bank’s stellar run going? Request summary
17-Jan-2024 China’s population is shrinking and its economy is losing ground The “peak China” narrative is proving difficult to shift Request summary
17-Jan-2024 What economists have learnt from the post-pandemic business cycle The curious and furious recovery has brought some old ideas back to the fore Request summary
18-Jan-2024 Wall Street is praying firms will start going public again The IPO market is on its longest cold streak since 1980 Request summary
18-Jan-2024 The countries which raised rates first are now cutting them Farewell to Hikelandia Request summary
18-Jan-2024 Australian houses are less affordable than they have been in decades In spite of rising borrowing costs, prices have stayed stubbornly resilient Request summary
18-Jan-2024 The Middle East faces economic chaos Escalating conflict threatens to tip several countries over the brink Request summary
22-Jan-2024 As China’s markets suffer, what alternatives do investors have? Optimism about the world’s second-largest stockmarket is a distant memory Request summary
23-Jan-2024 Wall Street titans are betting big on insurers. What could go wrong? How private-markets giants are overhauling the financial system Request summary
24-Jan-2024 Investors may be getting the Federal Reserve wrong, again Why expectations of imminent interest-rate cuts could be misplaced Request summary
25-Jan-2024 What Donald Trump can learn from the Big Mac index Should the presidential candidate go on another crusade against the yuan? Request summary
25-Jan-2024 Why sweet treats are increasingly expensive For the sake of your wallet, it might be time to rethink your diet Request summary
25-Jan-2024 How American states squeeze athletes (and remote workers) The public loves jock taxes; baseball players do not Request summary
25-Jan-2024 The false promise of friendshoring America, China and Europe appear to be trading less with their geopolitical rivals Request summary
28-Jan-2024 Your pay is still going up too fast Why the last part of the inflation fight may be the hardest Request summary
29-Jan-2024 Evergrande’s liquidation is a new low in China’s property crisis A judge in Hong Kong surprises the mainland Request summary
30-Jan-2024 What four more years of Joe Biden would mean for America’s economy Bigger government, for a start Request summary
1-Feb-2024 Biden’s chances of re-election are better than they appear The economy is providing a headwind at present. That could soon change Request summary
1-Feb-2024 Bitcoin ETFs are off to a bad start. Will things improve? Lessons from similar exchange-traded funds Request summary
1-Feb-2024 China’s leaders are flailing as markets drop The government is not used to being bullied Request summary
5-Feb-2024 Universities are failing to boost economic growth Too often they generate ideas that no one knows how to use Request summary
7-Feb-2024 China’s stockmarket nightmare is nowhere near over The situation ought to worry Xi Jinping Request summary
8-Feb-2024 Are NYCB’s troubles the start of another banking panic? Probably not. But they do suggest broader problems Request summary
8-Feb-2024 The dividend is back. Are investors right to be pleased? Why cash payments are no longer the preserve of widows and orphans Request summary
8-Feb-2024 Bankers have reason to hope Trump triumphs Will they now spend big on his campaign? Request summary
8-Feb-2024 The false promise of Indonesia’s economy Presidential candidates vow to deliver 7% growth. Voters have heard it before Request summary
11-Feb-2024 How the world economy learned to love chaos War, high interest rates and financial strife are yet to bring down growth Request summary
12-Feb-2024 How San Francisco staged a surprising comeback Forget the controversy. America’s tech capital is building the future Request summary
14-Feb-2024 Is working from home about to spark a financial crisis? That is the worry. But it is overblown Request summary
15-Feb-2024 Investing in commodities has become nightmarishly difficult What happened to that “supercycle”? Request summary
15-Feb-2024 In defence of a financial instrument that fails to do its job Inflation-linked bonds are a poor inflation hedge, but that’s not the point Request summary
15-Feb-2024 The Ukraine war offers energy arbitrage opportunities It also provides a glimpse at the future of European gas supplies Request summary
19-Feb-2024 Should you put all your savings into stocks? As markets roar, an old argument returns Request summary
21-Feb-2024 Russia outsmarts Western sanctions—and China is paying attention How the rise of middle powers helps America’s enemies Request summary
22-Feb-2024 As the Nikkei 225 hits record highs, Japan’s young start investing Will more now favour domestic stocks? Request summary
22-Feb-2024 Trump wants to whack Chinese firms. How badly could he hurt them? History provides a guide Request summary
22-Feb-2024 Europe faces a painful adjustment to higher defence spending The choices: taxes, cuts elsewhere, more borrowing Request summary
22-Feb-2024 Gucci, Prada and Tiffany’s bet big on property High-end fashion has some new houses Request summary
25-Feb-2024 Stockmarkets are booming. But the good times are unlikely to last Although AI is propelling valuations, there are deeper forces at work Request summary
27-Feb-2024 How Trump and Biden have failed to cut ties with China It is hard to overcome economic incentives Request summary
28-Feb-2024 What do you do with 191bn frozen euros owned by Russia? The question that now confronts Western policymakers Request summary
29-Feb-2024 Uranium prices are soaring. Investors should be careful The metal has a history of meltdowns Request summary
29-Feb-2024 Are passive funds to blame for market mania? They have killed off many of those willing to bet on a downturn Request summary
29-Feb-2024 Activist investing is no longer the preserve of hedge-fund sharks ExxonMobil and Starbucks are victims of the latest trend Request summary
5-Mar-2024 The Economist’s finance and economics internship We invite applications for the 2024 Marjorie Deane internship Request summary
5-Mar-2024 Can Israel afford to wage war? As the battle continues, costs are spiralling Request summary
6-Mar-2024 Bitcoin’s price is surging. What happens next? The cryptocurrency is up by 63% this year Request summary
7-Mar-2024 Globalisation may not have increased income inequality, after all A new study questions the received wisdom on trends within countries Request summary
7-Mar-2024 America’s rental-market mystery And why it may deter the Federal Reserve from cutting interest rates Request summary
7-Mar-2024 The world is in the midst of a city-building boom Everyone, from Donald Trump and Peter Thiel to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, is getting involved Request summary
7-Mar-2024 How investors get risk wrong Contrary to popular wisdom, more volatile stocks do not outperform Request summary
7-Mar-2024 An economist’s guide to the luxury-handbag market It is plagued by counterfeits—and information asymmetries Request summary
10-Mar-2024 Russia’s economy once again defies the doomsayers As an election nears, Vladimir Putin now looks to have inflation under control Request summary
11-Mar-2024 Is the bull market about to turn into a bubble? Share prices are surging. Investors are delighted—but also nervous Request summary
14-Mar-2024 China is churning out solar panels—and upsetting sand markets The hunt for grains with a silica concentration of more than 99.9% Request summary
14-Mar-2024 Saudi Arabia’s investment fund has been set an impossible task It must earn eye-watering returns while speeding the shift to a post-oil economy Request summary
14-Mar-2024 China’s economic bright spots provide a warning What a visit to an optimistic port reveals Request summary
14-Mar-2024 The private-equity industry has a cash problem Little wonder its investors are protesting Request summary
14-Mar-2024 How NIMBYs increase carbon emissions Opposition to new buildings has unfortunate consequences Request summary
18-Mar-2024 How China, Russia and Iran are forging closer ties Assessing the economic threat posed by the anti-Western axis Request summary
19-Mar-2024 Japan ends the world’s greatest monetary-policy experiment For the first time in 17 years, officials raise interest rates Request summary
20-Mar-2024 Why America can’t escape inflation worries The Federal Reserve sticks to its plans, despite an uncertain situation Request summary
21-Mar-2024 First Steven Mnuchin bought into NYCB, now he wants TikTok Is there any limit to his ambitions? Request summary
21-Mar-2024 America’s realtor racket is alive and kicking Celebrations over a settlement between agents and homeowners are premature Request summary
21-Mar-2024 Why “Freakonomics” failed to transform economics The approach was fun, but has fallen out of favour Request summary
21-Mar-2024 How to trade an election It is becoming harder for investors to ignore politics Request summary
24-Mar-2024 As markets soar, should investors look beyond America? The country’s stocks are extremely expensive Request summary
26-Mar-2024 Europe’s economy is under attack from all sides First Putin, now Xi. Next Trump? Request summary
27-Mar-2024 How India could become an Asian tiger The world’s most selective bureaucracy is struggling to make it happen Request summary
27-Mar-2024 How the “Magnificent Seven” misleads Forget the supergroup of stockmarket darlings Request summary
27-Mar-2024 Which country will be last to escape inflation? A new dividing line in the global fight Request summary
27-Mar-2024 China’s banks have a bad-debt problem As is becoming increasingly obvious Request summary
31-Mar-2024 How Xi Jinping plans to overtake America Digital twins, nuclear fusion and the small matter of fixing China’s economy Request summary
3-Apr-2024 Wanted: a new economics writer An opportunity to join the staff of The Economist Request summary
4-Apr-2024 Daniel Kahneman was a master of teasing questions How a psychologist transformed economics Request summary
4-Apr-2024 The Federal Reserve cleans up its money-printing mess It wants to avoid upsetting markets, and is so far succeeding Request summary
4-Apr-2024 Will FTX’s customers be repaid? As Sam Bankman-Fried is locked up, his erstwhile depositors await their fate Request summary
4-Apr-2024 How to build a global currency India is the latest country to try. Painful reforms are required Request summary
9-Apr-2024 What will humans do if technology solves everything? Welcome to a high-tech utopia Request summary
9-Apr-2024 The rich world faces a brutal spending crunch Countries including America, Britain and France are up against remorseless fiscal logic Request summary
10-Apr-2024 Would America dare to bring down a Chinese bank? Janet Yellen promises sanctions for those supporting Vladimir Putin’s war Request summary
10-Apr-2024 When will Americans see those interest-rate cuts? Following a nasty surprise, some now think they may come only after the presidential election Request summary
11-Apr-2024 China’s state is eating the private property market Pity those soon to buy a home Request summary
11-Apr-2024 Ukrainian drone strikes are hurting Russia’s oil industry The world’s third-largest producer is now an importer of petrol Request summary
11-Apr-2024 How fast is India’s economy really growing? Statisticians take the country’s figures with a pinch of salt Request summary
11-Apr-2024 What China’s central bank and Costco shoppers have in common Hint: it is not a fondness for cryptocurrencies Request summary
16-Apr-2024 China’s better economic growth hides reasons to worry The country’s leaders are too complacent about deflation Request summary
16-Apr-2024 Generation Z is unprecedentedly rich Millennials were poorer at this stage in their lives. So were baby-boomers Request summary
17-Apr-2024 Even without war in the Gulf, pricier petrol is here to stay Expensive oil could put Donald Trump in the White House Request summary
18-Apr-2024 Why the stockmarket is disappearing Large companies such as ByteDance, OpenAI and Stripe are staying private Request summary
18-Apr-2024 Citigroup, Wall Street’s biggest loser, is at last on the up Jane Fraser’s unexpected success Request summary
18-Apr-2024 Frozen Russian assets will soon pay for Ukraine’s war And America now hopes to convince others to make better use of the stash Request summary
18-Apr-2024 Can the IMF solve the poor world’s debt crisis? The fund will freeze out China if that is what it takes to offer relief Request summary
21-Apr-2024 How American politics has infected investing Beware: taking a stand can be expensive Request summary
23-Apr-2024 Why a stronger dollar is dangerous It sets the stage for a nasty new Trump-China clash, among other things Request summary
25-Apr-2024 Is inflation morally wrong? Workers think so. Economists disagree Request summary
25-Apr-2024 Don’t like your job? Quit for a rival firm Lina Khan hopes to free the American worker Request summary
25-Apr-2024 Chinese authorities are now addicted to traffic fines What that tells you about the country’s economic woes Request summary
25-Apr-2024 How far could America’s stockmarket fall? With the prospect of cheaper money receding, shares look unusually vulnerable Request summary
25-Apr-2024 The UAE is using a wealth fund to gain diplomatic sway And to build holiday resorts Request summary
29-Apr-2024 Japan will struggle to rescue its plummeting currency Expensive government intervention looks likely to provide only brief respite Request summary
30-Apr-2024 Immigration is surging, with big economic consequences The West faces an unprecedented number of new arrivals Request summary
1-May-2024 Working from home and the US-Europe divide Americans are no longer the rich world’s great office drones Request summary
2-May-2024 Russia’s gas business will never recover from the war in Ukraine Hopes of a Chinese rescue look increasingly vain Request summary
2-May-2024 Hedge funds make billions as India’s options market goes ballistic The country’s retail investors are doing less well Request summary
2-May-2024 What campus protesters get wrong about divestment Will withdrawing money hurt Israel? Request summary
7-May-2024 How Ukrainian farmers are using the cover of war to escape taxes “Black grain” infuriates exporters playing by the rules Request summary
9-May-2024 What would get China’s consumers spending? Clues from a grocer in a fourth-tier city Request summary
9-May-2024 What Xi Jinping gets wrong about China’s economy Despite his protestations, the country does have an overcapacity problem Request summary
9-May-2024 Why the global cocoa market is melting down Toblerones could soon become luxury goods Request summary
9-May-2024 Against expectations, European banks are thriving Many are now ripe for a takeover Request summary
9-May-2024 Banks, at least, are making money from a turbulent world It is once again a good time to work on a trading desk Request summary
9-May-2024 Could America and its allies club together to weaken the dollar? China would not be happy Request summary
12-May-2024 America is in the midst of an extraordinary startup boom How the country revived its go-getting spirit Request summary
14-May-2024 Biden outdoes Trump with ultra-high China tariffs The move, which hits electric vehicles, carries an environmental cost Request summary
16-May-2024 How Jim Simons revolutionised investing The “quant king” pioneered an approach that has become a pillar of finance Request summary
16-May-2024 Joe Biden, master oil trader The president has turned volatility into profit Request summary
16-May-2024 Diego Maradona offers central bankers enduring lessons Recent years ought to have reduced the importance of a skilful feint. They have not Request summary
16-May-2024 Narendra Modi’s flagship growth scheme is off to a sluggish start Without improvements, it risks wasting trillions of rupees Request summary
16-May-2024 The property firm that could break China’s back If Vanke collapses, so might confidence in the state’s management of the economy Request summary
20-May-2024 At long last, Europe’s economy is starting to grow Now for the hard part Request summary
21-May-2024 Can the rich world escape its baby crisis? Governments are splurging on handouts to avert catastrophe Request summary
23-May-2024 How the Chinese state aims to calm the property market Officials appear willing to spend public money on private capitalists Request summary
23-May-2024 Brazil, India and Mexico are taking on China’s exports To avoid an economic shock, they are pursuing a strange mix of free trade and protectionism Request summary
23-May-2024 Boaz v BlackRock: Whoever wins, closed-end funds lose Farewell to a financial mystery Request summary
23-May-2024 Shrinking populations mean less growth and a more fractious world Politicians must act now to avert the worst Request summary
26-May-2024 Baby-boomers are loaded. Why are they so stingy? The mystery matters for global economic growth Request summary
27-May-2024 OPEC heavyweights are cheating on their targets That is tamping down global oil prices Request summary
30-May-2024 Why any estimate of the cost of climate change will be flawed Temperature fluctuations are unpredictable. Humans are even more so Request summary
30-May-2024 Foreign investors are rejecting Indian stocks A roaring economy is not enough to entice them Request summary
30-May-2024 Xi Jinping’s surprising new source of economic advice What China’s leader may learn from a pair of reform-minded academics Request summary
30-May-2024 Young collectors are fuelling a boom in Basquiat-backed loans Auction houses are on a lending spree Request summary
30-May-2024 When to sell your stocks Poker provides investors with helpful guidance Request summary
3-Jun-2024 China’s economic model retains a dangerous allure Despite the country’s current struggles, autocrats elsewhere see a lot to admire Request summary
4-Jun-2024 Is America’s economy heading for a consumer crunch? Warning signs have started to appear. But there are reasons for optimism Request summary
5-Jun-2024 Should you buy expensive stocks? A new paper suggests the answer is “yes” Request summary
6-Jun-2024 Why global GDP might be $7trn bigger than everyone thought The discovery has perturbed Chinese officials Request summary
6-Jun-2024 European banks are making heady profits in Russia But for how much longer? Request summary
6-Jun-2024 Want to avoid woke stockmarket rules? List in Texas The Lone Star State is ready to take on New York Request summary
10-Jun-2024 China is distorting its stockmarket by trying to prop it up State purchases of shares are bad enough, but other measures are far more destructive Request summary
11-Jun-2024 Donald Trump’s trade hawk is plotting behind bars Peter Navarro’s dark vision of the global economy could shape Trump 2 Request summary
13-Jun-2024 Has private credit’s golden age already ended? A more competitive market is a less profitable one Request summary
13-Jun-2024 Does motherhood hurt women’s pay? Two new studies suggest not—at least in the long run, and in Scandinavia Request summary
15-Oct-2024 Germany’s economy goes from bad to worse Things may look brighter next year, but the relief will be short-lived Request summary
15-Oct-2024 How the German economy went from bad to worse Things may look brighter next year, but the relief will be short-lived Request summary
14-Oct-2024 An economics Nobel for work on why nations succeed and fail Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson tackled the most important question of all Request summary
14-Oct-2024 Why investors should still avoid Chinese stocks The debate about “uninvestibility” obscures something important Request summary
10-Oct-2024 Can the world’s most influential business index be fixed? Two cheers for the World Bank’s new global business survey Request summary
10-Oct-2024 Why have markets grown more captivated by data releases? Especially when the quality of statistics is deteriorating Request summary
10-Oct-2024 How America learned to love tariffs Protectionism hasn’t been this respectable for decades Request summary
10-Oct-2024 Europe’s green trade restrictions are infuriating poor countries Only the poorest can expect help to cushion the blow Request summary
10-Oct-2024 China’s property crisis claims more victims: companies Unsold homes are contributing to a balance-sheet recession Request summary
10-Oct-2024 Can markets reduce pollution in India? An experiment in Gujarat yields impressive results Request summary
7-Oct-2024 Could war in the Gulf push oil to $100 a barrel? Missiles are flying over a region that supplies a third of the world’s crude Request summary
6-Oct-2024 How bond investors soured on France They now regard the euro zone’s second-largest economy as riskier than Spain Request summary
3-Oct-2024 A tonne of public debt is never made public New research suggests governments routinely hide their borrowing Request summary
3-Oct-2024 Why economic warfare nearly always misses its target There is no such thing as a strategic commodity Request summary
3-Oct-2024 Can Andrea Orcel, Europe’s star banker, create a super-bank? An interview with the boss of UniCredit Request summary
2-Oct-2024 Xi Jinping’s belated stimulus has reset the mood in Chinese markets But can the buying frenzy last? Request summary
1-Oct-2024 The house-price supercycle is just getting going Prices look set to outpace wages for the foreseeable future Request summary
30-Sep-2024 Why is Canada’s economy falling behind America’s? The country was slightly richer than Montana in 2019. Now it is just poorer than Alabama Request summary
27-Sep-2024 At last, China pulls the trigger on a bold stimulus package “Buy everything”, says one American hedge fund Request summary
26-Sep-2024 Is the world sleepwalking into another gas crisis? Prices could once again spike this winter Request summary
26-Sep-2024 A Wall Street state of mind has captured America Downtown New York is quieter than ever. Finance has never been louder Request summary
26-Sep-2024 Why the Federal Reserve is split on the future of interest rates Jerome Powell began with a big cut. What comes next? Request summary
26-Sep-2024 How lower American interest rates will boost Africa One of the world’s worst-named financial instruments is newly relevant Request summary
24-Sep-2024 China’s central bank tries to save the economy Now it is the government’s turn Request summary
24-Sep-2024 Can Israel’s economy survive an all-out war with Hizbullah? The country’s banks are experiencing capital flight Request summary
24-Sep-2024 Can Israel’s economy take the strain of an all-out war with Hizbullah? The country’s banks are experiencing capital flight Request summary
24-Sep-2024 China’s central bank tries to save the economy—and the stockmarket But it will need more help from government spending Request summary
23-Sep-2024 Governments are bigger than ever. They are also more useless Why voters across the rich world are miserable Request summary
13-Jun-2024 Rumours of the trade deal’s death are greatly exaggerated Plenty of countries are in a dealmaking rush Request summary
13-Jun-2024 The cracks in America’s ultra-strong labour market With a big discrepancy in jobs data, the economy may be weaker than it seems Request summary
13-Jun-2024 China’s currency is not as influential as once imagined Its share of international reserves has stalled Request summary
16-Jun-2024 Why house prices are surging once again In America, Australia and parts of Europe, property markets have shrugged off higher interest rates Request summary
18-Jun-2024 How bad could things get in France? The country’s next prime minister faces a brutal fiscal crunch Request summary
19-Jun-2024 Think Nvidia looks dear? American shares could get pricier still Investors are willing to follow whichever narrative paints the rosiest picture Request summary
20-Jun-2024 Europe faces an unusual problem: ultra-cheap energy The continent is failing to adapt to a renewables boom Request summary
20-Jun-2024 Indian state capitalism looks to be in trouble A weakened Narendra Modi is bad news for investors in government-controlled firms Request summary
20-Jun-2024 America’s rich never sell their assets. How should they be taxed? It is tempting to tax them during their lives. It is wiser to do so after their deaths Request summary
20-Jun-2024 Is America approaching peak tip? The country’s gratuity madness may soon calm, so long as Donald Trump does not get his way Request summary
24-Jun-2024 Will services make the world rich? American fried chicken can now be served from the Philippines Request summary
26-Jun-2024 McDonald’s v Burger King: what a price war means for inflation American consumers will be licking their lips. So will Federal Reserve officials Request summary
27-Jun-2024 American stocks are consuming global markets That does not necessarily spell trouble Request summary
27-Jun-2024 How Chinese goods dodge American tariffs Policymakers are unsure what to do about a tricky loophole Request summary
27-Jun-2024 Is coal the new gold? The world’s dirtiest fuel is a disturbingly safe investment Request summary
27-Jun-2024 The economics of the tennis v pickleball contest Don’t hate the new players—or the new game Request summary
30-Jun-2024 Ukraine has a month to avoid default Lending to a borrower at war entails an additional gamble: that it will win Request summary
2-Jul-2024 What happened to the artificial-intelligence revolution? So far the technology has had almost no economic impact Request summary
4-Jul-2024 America’s banks are more exposed to a downturn than they appear To understand why, consider the ouroboros theory of financial risk Request summary
4-Jul-2024 How much cash should be removed from the financial system? Undoing quantitative easing provokes fierce debate Request summary
4-Jul-2024 How Starbucks caffeinates local economies Call it the frappuccino effect Request summary
4-Jul-2024 Why Chinese banks are now vanishing The state is struggling to deal with troubled institutions Request summary
9-Jul-2024 How strongmen abuse tools for fighting financial crime They can get Western governments and banks to crack down on exiled dissidents Request summary
11-Jul-2024 Trumponomics would not be as bad as most expect Opposition would come from all angles Request summary
11-Jul-2024 Betting markets are useful when politics is chaotic Why, then, are they largely outlawed in America? Request summary
11-Jul-2024 Europe prepares for a mighty trade war Will it be able to stick to its rule-abiding principles? Request summary
11-Jul-2024 The dangerous rise of pension nationalism Pursuing domestic investment at the expense of returns is reckless Request summary
11-Jul-2024 Xi Jinping really is unshakeably committed to the private sector He balances that with being unshakeably committed to state-owned enterprises, too Request summary
15-Jul-2024 China’s leaders face miserable economic-growth figures Reality intruded at the “third plenum”, intended to discuss long-term reforms Request summary
16-Jul-2024 Stocks are on an astonishing run. Yet threats lurk We assess what could bring the bull market to an end Request summary
17-Jul-2024 YIMBY cities show how to build homes and contain rents But to take full advantage of deregulation, Austin and Auckland need other changes Request summary
18-Jul-2024 Why investors have fallen in love with small American firms The Russell 2000 puts in a historic performance Request summary
18-Jul-2024 Americans are wrong to wish for an era of stable bipartisanship Even though political instability is an economic threat Request summary
18-Jul-2024 At last, Wall Street has something to cheer Consumer banks, on the other hand, are starting to suffer Request summary
18-Jul-2024 Japan’s strength produces a weak yen Currency meddling will prove futile Request summary
21-Jul-2024 The rich world revolts against sky-high immigration Moderates want to limit numbers. Radicals want mass deportations. What will be the economic consequence? Request summary
22-Jul-2024 How Vladimir Putin created a housing bubble Prices have risen by 172% in Russia’s biggest cities over the past three years Request summary
23-Jul-2024 Why is Xi Jinping building secret commodity stockpiles? Vast new holdings of grain, natural gas and oil suggest trouble ahead Request summary
25-Jul-2024 Donald Trump wants a weaker dollar. What are his options? All come with their own drawbacks Request summary
25-Jul-2024 Revisiting the work of Donald Harris, father of Kamala The combative Marxist economist focused on questions related to growth Request summary
25-Jul-2024 Why investors are unwise to bet on elections Turning a profit from political news is a lot harder than it looks Request summary
29-Jul-2024 What the war on tourism gets wrong Visitors are a boon, if managed wisely Request summary
30-Jul-2024 China’s last boomtowns show rapid growth is still possible All it takes is for the state to work with the market Request summary
1-Aug-2024 Investors beware: summer madness is here This year’s hottest months are shaping up to be especially wild Request summary
1-Aug-2024 EU handouts have long been wasteful. Now they must be fixed New research highlights their failures Request summary
1-Aug-2024 Gary Gensler is the most controversial man in American finance Donald Trump is just the latest to take a swing. In an interview with The Economist, the SEC chair defends his record Request summary
1-Aug-2024 Which cities have the worst overtourism problem? We rank popular destinations on two measures Request summary
1-Aug-2024 Wanted: new business, finance and economics interns The Economist invites applications for the 2024-25 Marjorie Deane internship Request summary
1-Aug-2024 India’s economic policy will not make it rich A new World Bank report takes aim at emerging-market growth plans Request summary
2-Aug-2024 Why fear is sweeping markets everywhere American and Japanese indices have taken a battering. So have banks and gold Request summary
5-Aug-2024 Why Japanese markets have plummeted The global rout continues, with the Topix experiencing its worst day since 1987 Request summary
6-Aug-2024 Why Japanese stocks are on a rollercoaster ride Volatility in global markets continues Request summary
6-Aug-2024 The stockmarket rout may not be over As investors pause for breath, we assess what could turn a correction into a crash Request summary
7-Aug-2024 The Big Mac index: where to buy a cheap hamburger Meat-eaters may want to avoid Argentina Request summary
7-Aug-2024 A global recession is not in prospect That will be a relief to investors everywhere Request summary
8-Aug-2024 How Chinese shoppers downgraded their ambition The trend will dismay the country’s policymakers Request summary
8-Aug-2024 Why Warren Buffett has built a mighty cash mountain Berkshire Hathaway’s boss is an impressive investor, not an economic oracle Request summary
8-Aug-2024 Should central bankers argue in public? Division is not always a weakness Request summary
8-Aug-2024 Africa’s two most populous economies brave tough reforms Will Ethiopia and Nigeria be able to stick to them? Request summary
11-Aug-2024 Vladimir Putin spends big—and sends Russia’s economy soaring How long can the party last? Request summary
13-Aug-2024 How to invest in chaotic markets Contrary to popular wisdom, even retail investors should pay attention to volatility Request summary
14-Aug-2024 What is behind China’s perplexing bond-market intervention? The central bank seems to think the government’s debt is too popular Request summary
15-Aug-2024 Why companies get inflation wrong Bosses should pay less attention to the media Request summary
15-Aug-2024 How vulnerable is Israel to sanctions? So far, measures have had little effect. That could change Request summary
15-Aug-2024 Europe’s economic growth is extremely fragile Risk is concentrated in one country: Germany Request summary
19-Aug-2024 Artificial intelligence is losing hype For some, that is proof the tech will in time succeed. Are they right? Request summary
20-Aug-2024 Kamala Harris’s cost-of-living plan will end in failure She is the latest presidential candidate to embrace self-defeating economics Request summary
21-Aug-2024 Why don’t women use artificial intelligence? Even when in the same jobs, men are much more likely to turn to the tech Request summary
22-Aug-2024 America’s anti-price-gouging laws are too minor to be communist No matter what critics of Kamala Harris allege Request summary
22-Aug-2024 America’s recession signals are flashing red. Don’t believe them We assess a range of measures Request summary
22-Aug-2024 Why investors are not buying Europe’s revival Even though the continent’s stocks are in a “sweet spot” Request summary
22-Aug-2024 Investors should avoid a new generation of rip-off ETFs Some proposals may even be a risk to financial stability Request summary
23-Aug-2024 Jerome Powell (almost) declares victory over inflation The Federal Reserve chairman strikes a notably doveish tone Request summary
27-Aug-2024 Vast government debts are riskier than they appear A provocative new paper gets central bankers talking at Jackson Hole Request summary
28-Aug-2024 How Vladimir Putin hopes to transform Russian trade He believes the country’s future lies with China and India. What could go wrong? Request summary
29-Aug-2024 Inflation is down and a recession is unlikely. What went right? A few years ago, nobody thought that a soft landing was possible Request summary
29-Aug-2024 Are American rents rigged by algorithms? That is what Department of Justice prosecutors allege Request summary
29-Aug-2024 The plasma trade is becoming ever-more hypocritical Reliance on America grows, as other countries clutch their pearls Request summary
29-Aug-2024 Can Japan’s zombie bond market be brought back to life? Ueda Kazuo begins on a dangerous mission Request summary
2-Sep-2024 Will interest-rate cuts turbocharge oil prices? As policymakers prepare to ease policy, traders (and presidential candidates) hold their breath Request summary
4-Sep-2024 As stock prices fall, investors prepare for an autumn chill Markets are in a very different place from earlier in the year Request summary
5-Sep-2024 Why Oasis fans should welcome price-gouging There are worse things in life than paying a fair price Request summary
5-Sep-2024 America has a huge deficit. Which candidate would make it worse? Enough policies have been proposed to make a call Request summary
5-Sep-2024 China is suffering from a crisis of confidence Can anything perk up its economy? Request summary
5-Sep-2024 American office delinquencies are shooting up How worried should investors be? Request summary
5-Sep-2024 Has social media broken the stockmarket? That is the contention of Cliff Asness, one of the great quant investors Request summary
9-Sep-2024 Can anything spark Europe’s economy back to life? Mario Draghi, the continent’s unofficial chief technocrat, has a plan Request summary
11-Sep-2024 Strangely, America’s companies will soon face higher interest rates Even though the Federal Reserve is about to loosen monetary policy Request summary
12-Sep-2024 China’s government is surprisingly redistributive That is despite a stingy tax-and-transfer system Request summary
12-Sep-2024 The IMF has a protest problem Does it give up—or insist on painful reforms? Request summary
12-Sep-2024 Why orange juice has never been more expensive Pity those who rely on the breakfast staple Request summary
12-Sep-2024 Can bonds keep beating stocks? After a terrible couple of months for shareholders, lenders are feeling smug Request summary
12-Sep-2024 An American sovereign-wealth fund is a risky idea Donald Trump’s latest proposal has worryingly broad support Request summary
12-Sep-2024 Norway’s weak currency presents a mystery The country’s economy is thriving yet the krone is becoming less and less valuable. What’s going on? Request summary
15-Sep-2024 How China’s communists fell in love with privatisation Even though they are not very good at it Request summary
16-Sep-2024 The Federal Reserve’s interest-rate cuts may disappoint investors Jerome Powell could still surprise on the hawkish side Request summary
18-Sep-2024 Why the Federal Reserve has gambled on a big interest-rate cut The bold move carries economic and political risks Request summary
19-Sep-2024 What the history of money tells you about crypto’s future The thread from shipwrecks and sheep flocks to digital currencies Request summary
19-Sep-2024 European regulators are about to become more political That will worry many in Silicon Valley Request summary
19-Sep-2024 The world’s poorest countries have experienced a brutal decade Why has development ground to a halt? Request summary