Archive news from Economist-Leaders

Date Headline Description #
29-Oct-2023 Israel faces agonising choices in the battle for Gaza But with Hamas in charge there can be no peace process Request summary
2-Nov-2023 The world economy is defying gravity. That cannot last Threats abound, including higher-for-longer interest rates Request summary
2-Nov-2023 Britain’s prisons show up wider flaws in government The entire criminal-justice system is under strain Request summary
2-Nov-2023 Why the rules on embryo experiments should be loosened Lifting the 14-day rule would help researchers understand how organs develop Request summary
2-Nov-2023 How to stop turmeric from killing people Developing countries—especially India—should learn from Bangladesh Request summary
2-Nov-2023 Trump’s tariff plans would be disastrous for America and the world You may think his worst ideas won’t get far. Sadly, on trade he has been singularly influential Request summary
2-Nov-2023 Why Israel must fight on Israel’s bombardment of Gaza is taking a terrible toll. But unless Hamas’s power is broken, peace will remain out of reach Request summary
8-Nov-2023 Time to take a wrecking ball to realtors’ fees in America A court case is a first step to ending a racket Request summary
9-Nov-2023 How scary is China? America must understand China’s weaknesses as well as its strengths Request summary
9-Nov-2023 The dawn of the omnistar How artificial intelligence will transform fame Request summary
9-Nov-2023 More welcoming migration policies require borders that are secure Let more people in legally, swiftly exclude those who come illegally Request summary
9-Nov-2023 How to fix Britain’s legislative problems Parliament is failing at its most basic function—scrutinising laws Request summary
9-Nov-2023 Giorgia Meloni’s “mother of all reforms” is a power grab Italians should reject their prime minister’s demagogic proposal Request summary
16-Nov-2023 The rights and wrongs of Israel and Hamas at al-Shifa hospital Why Israel must meet and exceed the requirements of the laws of war Request summary
16-Nov-2023 Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024 What his victory in America’s election would mean Request summary
16-Nov-2023 Will Japan rediscover its dynamism? Rising prices and animal spirits give it a long-awaited opportunity Request summary
16-Nov-2023 If Labour is to succeed in power, it must fix the Treasury The finance ministry protects the country from disaster—but also holds it back Request summary
16-Nov-2023 To supercharge science, first experiment with how it is funded Too much of researchers’ time is spent filling in forms Request summary
16-Nov-2023 The world is ignoring war, genocide and famine in Sudan America is distracted, the UN is not interested Request summary
20-Nov-2023 In Argentina Javier Milei faces an economic crisis The radical libertarian is taking over a country on the brink Request summary
22-Nov-2023 Britain’s autumn statement got business taxes right It also cynically handed out an illusory windfall Request summary
22-Nov-2023 The fallout from the weirdness at OpenAI Sam Altman is set to return, but the episode holds some disturbing lessons Request summary
23-Nov-2023 Lessons from the ascent of the United Arab Emirates How to thrive in a fractured world Request summary
23-Nov-2023 Progress on climate change has been too slow. But it’s been real And the world needs to learn from it Request summary
29-Nov-2023 How America should manage the next stage of the Gaza war For the sake of Israel and a two-state solution, America has to get tougher with its ally Request summary
30-Nov-2023 A new age of the worker will overturn conventional thinking Around the rich world, wage gaps are shrinking Request summary
30-Nov-2023 Putin seems to be winning the war in Ukraine—for now His biggest asset is Europe’s lack of strategic vision Request summary
30-Nov-2023 What does Henry Kissinger’s diplomacy have to teach the world? A grasp of the subtle interplay between interests, values and the use of force is still useful Request summary
30-Nov-2023 Germany is in a bizarre fiscal mess of its own making Three steps to resolve the fiscal panic Request summary
30-Nov-2023 What the world must do to tame methane The world needs a deal during COP28 to limit a nasty source of emissions Request summary
2-Dec-2023 Rainforests provide a public good. The world should pay to conserve them An ambitious Brazilian plan launched at the COP could help Request summary
5-Dec-2023 Covid-19 was a disaster for the world’s schoolchildren The costs of wasting brainpower are huge Request summary
6-Dec-2023 A messy contest is coming to a head behind Donald Trump Our poll tracker sheds light on that competition. It may yet matter Request summary
7-Dec-2023 Bashing hedge funds that trade Treasuries could cost taxpayers money Why fears about the “basis trade” are overblown Request summary
7-Dec-2023 How to stop over-medicalising mental health What the world could learn from Britain’s flawed approach Request summary
7-Dec-2023 Israel and Palestine: How peace is possible A peace process can go wrong in many ways, but a real possibility exists that it could go right Request summary
7-Dec-2023 Green protectionism will slow the energy transition Expanding renewable-power capacity is becoming ever harder Request summary
8-Dec-2023 Why Europe is particularly good at big science CERN and the Very Large Telescope may be European successes. But there is bounty to share Request summary
12-Dec-2023 Britain’s Parliament should have killed Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda bill A bad law to deliver a bad policy is too high a price for Tory unity Request summary
13-Dec-2023 In a first, COP28 targets the root cause of climate change Now to turn diplomacy into action Request summary
13-Dec-2023 The Fed gives in to the clamour for looser money Its doveish policymaking looks premature—and leaves Europe’s central banks in an awkward spot Request summary
14-Dec-2023 Can you have a healthy democracy without a common set of facts? America’s presidential election is a test of that proposition Request summary
14-Dec-2023 Rishi Sunak’s strategic genius The Rwanda policy is bad. But the Conservatives are the real problem Request summary
14-Dec-2023 London’s resilience is a lesson to policymakers everywhere The virtues of services, scale and immigration are on full display Request summary
14-Dec-2023 Iran’s regime is weaker than it looks, and therefore more pliable America should deter it from escalating the Gaza war, but also engage with it Request summary
18-Dec-2023 Why Congo’s chaotic election matters The country is a vortex of instability at the heart of Africa Request summary
19-Dec-2023 The US Navy confronts a new Suez crisis Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping threaten global trade Request summary
20-Dec-2023 Technology is helping Santa Claus come to town more efficiently A letter to shareholders of Father Christmas Global Inc Request summary
20-Dec-2023 The Economist’s country of the year for 2023 It is possible to enact painful economic reforms and still get re-elected Request summary
20-Dec-2023 Economists had a dreadful 2023 Mistaken recession calls were just part of it Request summary
20-Dec-2023 How to detoxify the politics of migration Doom-mongers on both the left and the right are wrong Request summary
3-Jan-2024 Binyamin Netanyahu is botching the war. Time to sack him To be safe, Israel needs new leadership Request summary
4-Jan-2024 The man supposed to stop Donald Trump is an unpopular 81-year-old In failing to look past Joe Biden, Democrats have shown cowardice and complacency Request summary
4-Jan-2024 Can India, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia be the next great economies? Several countries are making bold—and risky—bets on growth Request summary
4-Jan-2024 Is America’s raging bull market exhausted, or taking a breath? Investors have a slight hangover Request summary
4-Jan-2024 How backing Ukraine is key to the West’s security And why its leaders need to start saying so Request summary
10-Jan-2024 “No-strings giving” is transforming philanthropy The rich can donate their money quickly and wisely Request summary
11-Jan-2024 An influx of Chinese cars is terrifying the West But it should keep its markets open to cheap, clean vehicles Request summary
11-Jan-2024 How to cut through the cacophony over DEI Outrage on right and left obscures both the costs of DEI and the benefits of diversity Request summary
11-Jan-2024 America fights back The war against the Houthis is part of an escalating struggle for the seas Request summary
11-Jan-2024 Why Olaf Scholz is no Angela Merkel Germany is unable and unwilling to lead Europe Request summary
18-Jan-2024 Donald Trump is winning. Business, beware What a second term would mean for American business and the economy Request summary
18-Jan-2024 How America accidentally made a free-money machine for banks The Federal Reserve should switch it off Request summary
18-Jan-2024 Narendra Modi’s illiberalism may imperil India’s economic progress Fulfilling his great-power dream requires restraint, not abandon Request summary
18-Jan-2024 AI-generated content is raising the value of trust Who did the posting will soon matter more than what was posted Request summary
18-Jan-2024 Charging Israel with genocide makes a mockery of the ICJ And it diverts attention from the real humanitarian crisis in Gaza Request summary
24-Jan-2024 Giorgia Meloni’s not-so-scary right-wing government Liberal fears have so far proved overblown Request summary
25-Jan-2024 The risks to global finance from private equity’s insurance binge Funding pensions with private assets holds promise—but needs scrutiny Request summary
25-Jan-2024 African governments are using courts to sway elections The abuse of judiciaries is harming democracy. Here’s how to stop it Request summary
25-Jan-2024 AI holds tantalising promise for the emerging world It could help boost human capital, and ultimately growth Request summary
25-Jan-2024 How the border could cost Biden the election To keep Trump out of power, the Democrats need to make an offer on immigration policy Request summary
25-Jan-2024 Vietnam needs a new leader Doubts about the health of Nguyen Phu Trong have become a political liability Request summary
1-Feb-2024 Egypt doesn’t deserve a bail-out, but should get one The Middle East cannot afford the collapse of its most populous country Request summary
1-Feb-2024 How to end the Middle East’s agony War is spreading across the region. There is an alternative Request summary
1-Feb-2024 The end of the social network As Facebook turns 20, social apps are being transformed Request summary
1-Feb-2024 How to fix British defence It needs more money and more people, but also reform Request summary
1-Feb-2024 The evidence in favour of charter schools in America has strengthened Meanwhile, both parties have run away from them Request summary
2-Feb-2024 Gangsters in El Salvador are terrified of strongman Nayib Bukele He protects citizens from crime. But who will protect them from him? Request summary
7-Feb-2024 House Republicans are helping Vladimir Putin Their cynicism over Ukraine weakens America and makes the world less safe Request summary
8-Feb-2024 Killer drones pioneered in Ukraine are the weapons of the future They are reshaping the balance between humans and technology in war Request summary
8-Feb-2024 Has Xi Jinping lost control of the markets? As a property crisis drags the economy into deflation, confidence is seeping away Request summary
8-Feb-2024 What Jokowi’s inglorious exit means for Indonesia The outgoing president is playing kingmaker to a controversial ex-general Request summary
8-Feb-2024 Donald Tusk tries to restore Poland’s rule of law Repairing the damage done by the last government will take grit and patience Request summary
8-Feb-2024 The dismissal of Valery Zaluzhny is a crucial new phase in the war Unfortunately, President Zelensky risks getting it wrong Request summary
12-Feb-2024 Europe must hurry to defend itself against Russia—and Donald Trump The ex-president’s invitation to Vladimir Putin to attack American allies is an assault on NATO. Ultimately, that is bad for America Request summary
13-Feb-2024 Another bank subsidy America should kill off The Federal Home Loan Banks offer loans to Wall Street that are too cheap Request summary
14-Feb-2024 Pakistan is out of friends and out of money A botched election and an economic crisis show how low it has fallen Request summary
15-Feb-2024 The growing peril of national conservatism It’s dangerous and it’s spreading. Liberals need to find a way to stop it Request summary
15-Feb-2024 As San Francisco builds the future of technology, can it rebuild itself? People feared a doom loop. Reality has been more surprising Request summary
15-Feb-2024 How not to do a megaproject The lessons of HS2 for Britain and beyond Request summary
15-Feb-2024 A new answer to the biggest climate conundrum Will electrification of industry live up to its promise? Request summary
16-Feb-2024 What Navalny’s death means for Russia, Putin and the world Fear and greed drive Russia’s regime. The opposition leader struck at both Request summary
21-Feb-2024 Sanctions are not the way to fight Vladimir Putin There is no substitute for military aid to Ukraine Request summary
22-Feb-2024 Do not expect America’s interest rates to fall just yet The risk of a second wave of inflation remains too great Request summary
22-Feb-2024 Europe is caught between Putin and Trump Russian aggression and American wavering reveal how ill-equipped Europe is Request summary
22-Feb-2024 How to prevent another catastrophic regional war in Congo The world needs to press Rwanda to pull back its forces Request summary
22-Feb-2024 The world needs more critical minerals. Governments are not helping Just obtaining a permit takes a remarkably long time Request summary
26-Feb-2024 The perils of a Le Pen presidency Even three years out, the prospect is alarming Request summary
28-Feb-2024 How to put Russia’s frozen assets to work for Ukraine Exploit them to the full, but legally Request summary
28-Feb-2024 How to build a British voter Labour is assembling an electoral coalition that is young and broad, but volatile too Request summary
29-Feb-2024 To see India’s future, go south The country’s regional division could make it—or break it Request summary
29-Feb-2024 A golden age for stockmarkets is drawing to a close Share prices may be surging, but even AI is unlikely to drive a repeat of the past decade’s performance Request summary
29-Feb-2024 Fentanyl cannot be defeated without new tactics Suppression works even less well than with other narcotics Request summary
29-Feb-2024 Autocracies are exporting autocracy to their diasporas The new danger from transnational repression Request summary
6-Mar-2024 Xi Jinping’s hunger for power is hurting China’s economy A new economic plan won’t end deflation, even as he sidelines his prime minister Request summary
6-Mar-2024 Britain’s budget cuts taxes on the promise of productivity gains Jeremy Hunt has got it the wrong way round Request summary
7-Mar-2024 Three big risks that might tip America’s presidential election Third parties, the Trump trials and the candidates’ age introduce a high degree of uncertainty Request summary
7-Mar-2024 A frenzy of innovation in obesity drugs is under way Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly are printing money now. But they will not be a stagnant duopoly Request summary
7-Mar-2024 How to fix the Ivy League Its supremacy is being undermined by bad leadership Request summary
12-Mar-2024 Time for TikTok to cut its ties to China To stay on Western screens, the video app needs new owners Request summary
14-Mar-2024 America’s extraordinary economy keeps defying the pessimists Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have ideas that endanger it Request summary
14-Mar-2024 Rogue Russia threatens the world, not just Ukraine The West must show its enemy is Vladimir Putin, not 143m ordinary Russians Request summary
14-Mar-2024 Making sense of the gulf between young men and women It’s complicated. But better schooling for boys might help Request summary
14-Mar-2024 The Gulf’s scramble for Africa is reshaping the continent Its increased influence brings economic rewards and political risks Request summary
14-Mar-2024 Oil’s endgame could be highly disruptive The oil shocks of the future will be driven by demand, not supply Request summary
19-Mar-2024 Why Japan’s economy remains a warning to others Low real rates, low growth and high debts are not going away Request summary
20-Mar-2024 America’s Supreme Court should reject the challenge to abortion drugs The case against mail-order mifepristone is legally and medically spurious Request summary
21-Mar-2024 Britain is the best place in Europe to be an immigrant What other countries can learn from its example Request summary
21-Mar-2024 At a moment of military might, Israel looks deeply vulnerable America should help it find a better strategy Request summary
21-Mar-2024 The hidden costs of Biden’s steel protectionism Uncertain political benefits do not justify the president’s vetoing a Japanese takeover of US Steel Request summary
25-Mar-2024 Why XL Bully dogs should be banned everywhere Big, strong and bred to kill, they are too dangerous to live with people Request summary
27-Mar-2024 The triple shock facing Europe’s economy After the energy crisis, Europe faces surging Chinese imports and the threat of Trump tariffs Request summary
27-Mar-2024 The AI doctor will see you…eventually Artificial intelligence holds huge promise in health care. But it also faces massive barriers Request summary
27-Mar-2024 Some advice to the corporate world’s know-it-alls With growth slowing, consulting firms like McKinsey need some counsel of their own Request summary
27-Mar-2024 The looming threat from Antarctica A big thaw will have unexpected consequences for the rest of the world Request summary
27-Mar-2024 Russia is gearing up for a big new push along a long front line Ukraine must prepare Request summary
30-Mar-2024 It’s time to curb triple-digit inflation The use of abbreviations has gone too far Request summary
3-Apr-2024 Central banks have spent down their credibility That will make inflation trickier to handle in future Request summary
4-Apr-2024 Xi Jinping’s misguided plan to escape economic stagnation It will disappoint China’s people and anger the rest of the world Request summary
4-Apr-2024 Beware a world without American power Donald Trump’s threat to dump allies would risk a nuclear free-for-all Request summary
4-Apr-2024 A chilling near-miss shows how today’s digital infrastructure is vulnerable This is how to protect the internet from malicious attacks Request summary
4-Apr-2024 What Boeing, Disney and others can learn from General Electric Lessons from the tenure of Larry Culp Request summary
10-Apr-2024 America should follow England’s lead on transgender care for kids Its approach is neither as harsh as in red states nor as lax as in blue states Request summary
11-Apr-2024 Global warming is coming for your home Who will pay for the damage? Request summary
11-Apr-2024 The rights and wrongs of assisted dying Britain’s next great social reform is coming. Here’s how it should work Request summary
11-Apr-2024 In praise of Peter Higgs The particle named after him became a selling point. For the man, it was a bit of a pain Request summary
11-Apr-2024 The short-sighted Israeli army Force alone cannot bring security Request summary
11-Apr-2024 True swing voters are extraordinarily rare in America We have found some Request summary
12-Apr-2024 How to locate the global south How a fuzzy, scorned term reflects geopolitical shifts Request summary
17-Apr-2024 America’s interest rates are unlikely to fall this year That will squeeze financial markets and the world economy Request summary
18-Apr-2024 Reasons to be cheerful about Generation Z They are not doomed to be poor and anxious Request summary
18-Apr-2024 Israel should not rush to strike back at Iran Instead it should try a novel response to Iran’s missile attack: restraint Request summary
18-Apr-2024 India’s democracy needs a stronger opposition The Congress party is set for a drubbing in the world’s biggest election Request summary
18-Apr-2024 How to get more people into military uniforms Why mandatory military service makes sense for some countries but not others Request summary
18-Apr-2024 America’s moves against Chinese biotech will hurt patients at home The motives behind the BIOSECURE act are muddy Request summary
20-Apr-2024 Finally, America’s Congress does right by Ukraine Disaster has been dodged. But the political malaise that delayed the Ukraine funding bill remains Request summary
24-Apr-2024 Don’t be gloomy about Tesla and its EV rivals The industry has had a terrible few months. But demand is likely to pick up Request summary
24-Apr-2024 America’s latest aid will give Ukraine only a temporary reprieve The bitterness of the struggle in Washington is a sign of trouble ahead Request summary
25-Apr-2024 How strong is India’s economy? It isn’t the next China, but it could still transform itself and the world Request summary
25-Apr-2024 A mosquito-borne disease is spreading as the planet warms Dengue fever must be curbed Request summary
25-Apr-2024 Why leaving the ECHR would be a bad idea for Britain The next litmus test of Tory purity Request summary
29-Apr-2024 The wider lessons of Scotland’s political turmoil Humza Yousaf’s resignation is the latest in a string of setbacks Request summary
30-Apr-2024 Japan is wrong to try to prop up the yen Supporting the currency is expensive and futile Request summary
1-May-2024 Should American universities call the cops on protesting students? The principles involved in resolving campus protests are not that hard Request summary
2-May-2024 Emmanuel Macron’s urgent message for Europe The French president issues a dark and prophetic warning Request summary
2-May-2024 America’s reckless borrowing is a danger to its economy—and the world’s Without good luck or a painful adjustment, the only way out will be to let inflation rip Request summary
2-May-2024 How disinformation works—and how to counter it More co-ordination is needed, and better access to data Request summary
2-May-2024 Why South Africans are fed up after 30 years of democracy After a bright start the ANC has proved incapable of governing for the whole country Request summary
8-May-2024 How to pacify the world’s most violent region The iron-fist approach will not solve Latin America’s gang-violence problem Request summary
9-May-2024 The liberal international order is slowly coming apart Its collapse could be sudden and irreversible Request summary
9-May-2024 Threats to Europe’s economy are mounting. Finance can help fortify it Time to press ahead with banking and capital-market reforms Request summary
9-May-2024 What companies can expect if Labour wins Britain’s election The party that aspires to lead the country is courting business Request summary
9-May-2024 The world’s most improbable success story still needs to evolve Under Lawrence Wong, the city-state has a new chance to change Request summary
9-May-2024 How “judge-mandering” is eroding trust in America’s judiciary The assignment of judges to cases should be random, not political Request summary
15-May-2024 America’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs: bad policy, worse leadership The global trade system is disintegrating as you read this Request summary
16-May-2024 Is America dictator-proof? The many vulnerabilities, and enduring strengths, of America’s republic Request summary
16-May-2024 Big tech’s capex splurge may be irrationally exuberant Beware of overhype and overbuild Request summary
16-May-2024 Xi Jinping is subtler than Vladimir Putin—yet equally disruptive How to deal with Chinese actions that lie between war and peace Request summary
16-May-2024 Canada’s law to help news outlets is harming them instead Funding journalism with cash from big tech has become a fiasco Request summary
16-May-2024 Volodymyr Zelensky’s presidential term expires on May 20th What does that mean for his country? Request summary
22-May-2024 Rishi Sunak’s election call makes no sense, but is good news Whether an act of political genius or lunacy, Britons should welcome it Request summary
22-May-2024 A president’s death gives Iran’s regime a choice It will probably choose to keep alienating voters and antagonising the West Request summary
23-May-2024 Why paying women to have more babies won’t work Economies must adapt to baby busts instead Request summary
23-May-2024 How to save South Africa The rainbow nation needs an alternative to decline under the ANC Request summary
23-May-2024 What India’s clout in white-collar work means for the world In time its tech firms could be as formidable as China’s manufacturers Request summary
23-May-2024 The war-crimes case against the leaders of Israel and Hamas is flawed Politics and diplomacy, not courts, are the key to ending violence and starting two-state talks Request summary
23-May-2024 Hacking phones is too easy. Time to make it harder Regulators have avoided the problem for too long Request summary
29-May-2024 Incompetence or opacity: the choice facing British voters The first week of the election campaign points to a failure of political competition Request summary
30-May-2024 The pro-choice movement that could help Joe Biden win A backlash against abortion bans is energising the middle ground in America Request summary
10-Oct-2024 The front line of the tech war is in Asia The two superpowers are vying for influence. China will not necessarily win Request summary
10-Oct-2024 The Trumpification of American policy No matter who wins in November, Donald Trump has redefined both parties’ agendas Request summary
10-Oct-2024 How high could the oil price go? Geopolitical risk is rising. But so is the supply of oil Request summary
9-Oct-2024 How Florida should respond to Hurricane Milton Storms like it raise uncomfortable questions about the state’s future Request summary
9-Oct-2024 Britain should not hand the Chagos Islands to Mauritius Once again, the Chagossians have been denied a say Request summary
3-Oct-2024 A map of a fruit fly’s brain could help us understand our own A miracle of complexity, powered by rotting fruit Request summary
3-Oct-2024 Dismantling Google is a terrible idea Despite its appeal as a political rallying cry Request summary
3-Oct-2024 Socially liberal and strong on defence, Japan’s new premier shows promise But he must ditch his more eccentric ideas if he is to control his party Request summary
3-Oct-2024 The year that shattered the Middle East Kill or be killed is the region’s new logic. Deterrence and diplomacy would be better Request summary
3-Oct-2024 Don’t celebrate China’s stimulus just yet It will take more than a spectacular stockmarket rally to revive the economy Request summary
26-Sep-2024 YouTube’s do-it-yourself brigade is taking on Netflix and Disney Legions of self-taught film-makers are coming for the television industry Request summary
26-Sep-2024 An Israel-Hizbullah war would be a disaster for both Both must find a way to step back Request summary
26-Sep-2024 The war is going badly. Ukraine and its allies must change course Time for credible war aims—and NATO membership Request summary
26-Sep-2024 If you must raise taxes, raise VAT Taxing consumption is economically efficient and politically possible Request summary
26-Sep-2024 The sinking feeling caused by Labour’s clumsy start Britain’s new government is paying for the sins of the election campaign Request summary
25-Sep-2024 How worried should Sri Lanka be about its ex-Marxist president? He is not as bad as he sounds. But the risk of disappointment is high Request summary
30-May-2024 The three women who will shape Europe At a crucial moment they encapsulate the dilemma of how to handle populism Request summary
30-May-2024 What penny-pinching baby-boomers mean for the world economy They are saving like never before. But even that may not bring interest rates down Request summary
30-May-2024 Japan and South Korea are getting friendlier. At last As the world economy fragments, two export powerhouses see the virtue of chumminess Request summary
30-May-2024 The disgrace of a former American president But this prosecution of Donald Trump was wrongheaded and counter-productive Request summary
1-Jun-2024 South Africa stands on the brink of salvation—or catastrophe To prevent a coalition of chaos, Cyril Ramaphosa and the Democratic Alliance must do a deal Request summary
3-Jun-2024 What Claudia Sheinbaum’s victory might mean for Mexico The next president should break with her predecessor and mentor Request summary
5-Jun-2024 A triumph for Indian democracy The shock election result will change the country—ultimately for the better Request summary
6-Jun-2024 America’s billionaires should resist the urge to support Donald Trump A Trump victory would reward them. But not enough to justify the risks Request summary
6-Jun-2024 How the Labour Party could end Britain’s stagnation Even if the economy peps up, taxes will have to rise Request summary
6-Jun-2024 Morena’s landslide win threatens to take Mexico down a dangerous path The country’s newly elected president will need to show political courage Request summary
6-Jun-2024 Three reasons why it’s good news that robots are getting smarter They are becoming more capable, easier to program and better at explaining themselves Request summary
10-Jun-2024 Emmanuel Macron wants a snap election to get him out of a deep hole But he’s taking a big risk Request summary
12-Jun-2024 America seems immune to the world economy’s problems Elsewhere, political dysfunction and fiscal frailties are taking a toll Request summary
13-Jun-2024 How worrying is the rapid rise of Chinese science? If America wants to maintain its lead, it should focus less on keeping China down Request summary
13-Jun-2024 If a bestseller list shuns authors it dislikes, it should say so Bestseller lists are supposed to reflect sales, not political ideology Request summary
13-Jun-2024 A second Trump term: from unthinkable to probable Introducing our 2024 American election forecast model Request summary
19-Jun-2024 How to tax billionaires—and how not to Closing loopholes would be a better bet than a levy on unrealised capital gains Request summary
19-Jun-2024 Javier Milei’s next move could make his presidency—or break it Radical experiments with the currency could spell disaster Request summary
20-Jun-2024 India should liberate its cities and create more states It doesn’t need more government. It needs more governments Request summary
20-Jun-2024 The exponential growth of solar power will change the world An energy-rich future is within reach Request summary
20-Jun-2024 Emmanuel Macron’s project of reform is at risk A snap election in France reveals the flimsiness of his legacy Request summary
20-Jun-2024 AI will transform the character of warfare Technology will make war faster and more opaque. It could also prove destabilising Request summary
22-Jun-2024 Nigel Farage’s claim that NATO provoked Russia is naive and dangerous It is also a wilful misreading of history Request summary
26-Jun-2024 Simple steps to stop people dying from heatwaves As much of the world roasts, don’t despair Request summary
27-Jun-2024 Keir Starmer should be Britain’s next prime minister Why Labour must form the next government Request summary
27-Jun-2024 Macron has done well by France. But he risks throwing it all away After the election, populists of the right and left could hobble a centrist president Request summary
27-Jun-2024 LLMs now write lots of science. Good Easier and more lucid writing will make science faster and better Request summary
27-Jun-2024 A pivotal moment for China’s Communist Party Will Xi Jinping keep ignoring good advice at the party’s third plenum? Request summary
27-Jun-2024 What to make of Joe Biden’s plans for a second term His domestic agenda is underwhelming, unrealistic and better than the alternative Request summary
28-Jun-2024 Joe Biden should now give way to an alternative candidate His last and greatest political act would help rescue America from an emergency Request summary
4-Jul-2024 Why Biden must withdraw The president and his party portray themselves as the saviours of democracy. Their actions say otherwise Request summary
4-Jul-2024 Central banks are winning the battle against inflation. But the war is just getting started Politics and protectionism will make life difficult Request summary
4-Jul-2024 Hizbullah poses a grave threat to Israel But a war right now would be disastrous Request summary
4-Jul-2024 As Amazon turns 30, three factors will define its next decade It will have to deal with trustbusters, catch up on AI and revive its core business Request summary
4-Jul-2024 How spies should use technology Digital tools are transforming spycraft, but won’t replace human agents Request summary
4-Jul-2024 How to Trump-proof America’s alliances An essential step will be to let Ukraine into NATO Request summary
5-Jul-2024 Labour has won the British election. Now it has to seize the moment A volatile electorate and a strong showing for Reform UK are no reason for caution Request summary
10-Jul-2024 The French far right may not have peaked After winning 32% of the vote in parliamentary elections it will eye the presidency Request summary
11-Jul-2024 How to raise the world’s IQ Simple ways to make the next generation more intelligent Request summary
11-Jul-2024 How to prevent strongmen from hijacking the fight against dodgy money Egypt, India and Turkey are regular abusers Request summary
11-Jul-2024 Britain’s skewed election reinforces the case for voting reform. After 2029 The new government has more important things to deal with first Request summary
11-Jul-2024 Faddish thinking is hobbling education in the rich world Test scores have been stagnant or worse for more than a decade Request summary
14-Jul-2024 Now wake the brave Request summary
14-Jul-2024 Fortunately, Donald Trump’s would-be killer failed. What next? Politicians should try to lower the political temperature Request summary
17-Jul-2024 Millions of birds have died. How to stop humans dying, too As isolated human cases of H5N1 emerge, now is the time to prepare Request summary
18-Jul-2024 Euphoric markets are ignoring growing political risks Investors’ exuberance in the face of political ructions is unlikely to pay off Request summary
18-Jul-2024 How Labour should reform Britain’s overstuffed prisons With no room for new prisoners, something has to change Request summary
18-Jul-2024 To halt Brazil’s decline, Lula needs to cut runaway public spending Investors have started to worry Request summary
18-Jul-2024 Gaza could become “Mogadishu on the Med” Even if there is a ceasefire, its prospects are grim Request summary
18-Jul-2024 Where would Donald Trump and J.D. Vance take America? The anti-globalist MAGA enthusiast is more consequential than the average veep pick Request summary
21-Jul-2024 Joe Biden has given Democrats a second chance to win the White House If they are not to squander it, they must have a proper contest Request summary
24-Jul-2024 MAGA Republicans are wrong to seek a cheaper dollar It is hard to cast America as a victim of the global financial system Request summary
25-Jul-2024 Can Kamala Harris win? Joe Biden’s vice-president has an extraordinary opportunity. But she also has a mountain to climb Request summary
25-Jul-2024 A global gold rush is changing sport Fans may be cooling on the Olympics, but elsewhere technology is transforming how sport is watched Request summary
25-Jul-2024 How to ensure Africa is not left behind by the AI revolution Weak digital infrastructure is holding the continent back Request summary
25-Jul-2024 Germany’s failure to lead the EU is becoming a problem A weak chancellor and coalition rows are to blame Request summary
31-Jul-2024 Can Nicolás Maduro be stopped from stealing Venezuela’s election? Peaceful protests and judicious diplomacy offer some hope Request summary
31-Jul-2024 The Middle East must step back from the brink That still means starting with a ceasefire in Gaza Request summary
1-Aug-2024 Chinese companies are winning the global south Their expansion abroad holds important lessons for Western incumbents Request summary
1-Aug-2024 Genomic medicines can cost $3m a dose. How to make them affordable The treatments are marvels of innovation. Their pricing must be inventive, too Request summary
1-Aug-2024 How to make tourism work for locals and visitors alike Holidays don’t have to be hell Request summary
1-Aug-2024 Is the big state back in Britain? The risk is not too much interventionism, but too little audacity Request summary
4-Aug-2024 How to respond to the riots on Britain’s streets The violence demands robust policing, but it also requires cool heads Request summary
7-Aug-2024 Is Tim Walz the right vice-presidential running-mate for Kamala Harris? Progressives like him, but the presidential candidate will need to find ways to win over moderates Request summary
7-Aug-2024 Banning the opposition won’t save Thailand’s unpopular regime Once again, the army pretends its critics are anti-royal Request summary
8-Aug-2024 How to respond to the riots in Britain Punish the thugs. Stand up for immigration. And improve local services Request summary
8-Aug-2024 Bangladesh has ousted an autocrat. Now for the hard part A caretaker leader, Muhammad Yunus, must try to rebuild democracy Request summary
8-Aug-2024 Will America’s economy swing the election? It is not entering recession, but it is slowing down. That is bad news for Kamala Harris Request summary
8-Aug-2024 Why Ethiopia and Nigeria must press on with reforms Currency liberalisation alone is not enough Request summary
14-Aug-2024 The rights, wrongs and risks of Ukraine’s Kursk incursion Ukrainian forces should be careful not to overreach Request summary
15-Aug-2024 Our forecast puts Kamala Harris and Donald Trump neck and neck We relaunch our presidential-election model for a transformed race Request summary
15-Aug-2024 Reluctantly, America eyes building more nuclear weapons The superpower faces more adversaries, new technologies and less-confident allies Request summary
15-Aug-2024 Time to shine a light on the shadowy carry trade Transparency will help to avoid financial blow-ups Request summary
15-Aug-2024 America is sabotaging itself in the global battle for talent Some countries are much more serious about attracting the highly skilled Request summary
22-Aug-2024 Kamala Harris can beat Donald Trump. But how would she govern? Being a politician is about more than campaigning. More policy detail is needed Request summary
22-Aug-2024 How to attract Indian tourists Destinations are competing for the travelling rupee Request summary
22-Aug-2024 What to make of America’s topsy-turvy economy Don’t panic just yet Request summary
22-Aug-2024 Regulators are focusing on real AI risks over theoretical ones. Good Rules on safety may one day be needed. But not yet Request summary
22-Aug-2024 Countries should act faster to curb the spread of mpox The slower the response, the more people will die Request summary
28-Aug-2024 Why inflation fell without a recession High interest rates, not the passage of time, have restored price stability Request summary
29-Aug-2024 Why Sudan’s catastrophic war is the world’s problem It could kill millions—and spread chaos across Africa and the Middle East Request summary
29-Aug-2024 People should be paid for blood plasma Shortages are hampering the production of essential medicines Request summary
29-Aug-2024 Donald Trump’s promise of “mass deportation” is unworkable Yet he could cause serious harm by trying Request summary
29-Aug-2024 Digital twins are fast becoming part of everyday life Welcome to the mirror world Request summary
3-Sep-2024 As Brazil bans Elon Musk’s X, who will speak up for free speech? Free expression has become a culture war, and those who should defend it are staying quiet Request summary
4-Sep-2024 How to deal with the hard-right threat in Germany As extremists win more votes across Europe, forming moderate and effective governments is getting harder Request summary
5-Sep-2024 What to do about America’s killer cars The country’s roads are nearly twice as dangerous as the rich-world average. It doesn’t have to be that way Request summary
5-Sep-2024 The real problem with China’s economy The country risks making some of the mistakes the Soviet Union did Request summary
5-Sep-2024 A make-or-break moment for Mexico In America’s biggest trading partner the rule of law and democracy are under attack Request summary
5-Sep-2024 The Labour government’s worrying lack of ambition in Europe Sir Keir Starmer is trapped by the mindset of the post-Brexit years Request summary
10-Sep-2024 Mario Draghi’s best ideas are those Europe finds least comfortable The danger is that it picks the easy ones Request summary
11-Sep-2024 Nigeria’s catastrophic fuel crisis has a straightforward solution How to scrap a popular yet ruinous subsidy Request summary
12-Sep-2024 America’s election is mired in conflict Donald Trump’s conspiracy machine is already gearing up for election night Request summary
12-Sep-2024 How to finish Japan’s business revolution Tokyo-listed companies have become more friendly to shareholders, but the job is only half-done Request summary
12-Sep-2024 More storms are brewing in the South China Sea A dangerous new stage in the conflict is beginning Request summary
18-Sep-2024 Britain should let university tuition fees rise Domestic students have been paying less in real terms every year Request summary
19-Sep-2024 How the world’s poor stopped catching up Progress stalled around 2015. To restart it, liberalise Request summary
19-Sep-2024 The breakthrough AI needs A race is on to push artificial intelligence beyond today’s limits Request summary
19-Sep-2024 After peak woke, what next? The influence of a set of illiberal ideas is waning. That creates an opportunity Request summary
19-Sep-2024 Let Ukraine hit military targets in Russia with American missiles Hitting back at the forces blasting Ukrainian cities is legal and proportionate Request summary